Things We Like: Dari Minggu Kelima Januari


Things We Like: Dari Minggu Kelima Januari

Playlist, restoran hingga game yang kami sukai.

by Whiteboard Journal


Kembali lagi dengan “Things We Like”. Di dalam program ini, kami mengumpulkan hal-hal yang sedang disukai oleh tim Whiteboard Journal berikut alasannya. Dari playlist Sundown Sessions dari Potato Head, Dungeon’s Master Guide hingga trip ke Surabaya, berikut adalah “Things We Like” dari minggu kelima Januari.

Managing Editor


Potong Rambut


Setelah satu setengah tahun (iya, selama itu) gak potong rambut, akhirnya weekend kemarin memutuskan untuk chop all that bad vibes hair. Lucunya pas potong rambut, si hairdresser yang malah nyaranin buat potong sependek ini. Katanya biar lebih fresh. Dan, ternyata memang benar sih sehabis potong rambut rasanya jadi lebih enteng. Rambut gue yang keriting ini juga jadi lebih keliatan teksturnya. 

Semoga, seperti kata orang, hal ini bisa membuang sial dan membawa keberuntungan ya. He he he.

Editorial Staff


Sundown Sessions #008 Belda


Nemu akun Spotify Potato Head dan playlist ini enak. 

Editorial Staff


Chicory Patisserie


Akhirnya ke tempat ini setelah sekian lama cuma jadi wacana, and I definitely fell in love. It’s going to be my new favorite place for sure.

Editorial Staff




Bagus banget mau nangis.

Great storytelling, STAR STUDDED CAST (mini Kingsman, GoT and Sherlock reunion). The acting is PHENOMENAL, George Mackay deserves an award for his performance. There isn’t much dialog in the film, but Mackay’s actions, facial expressions and body language really got me fully immersed in the story. I was SO invested in him.

There’s this one scene that everyone keeps raving about, and rightfully so. I’m not gonna say much to avoid spoilers, but It looked like something straight out of a dream, for the length of that whole scene I was on the edge of my seat with my jaw on the floor. Watching that reminded me of the feeling I had when I was a kid, watching my first film in the cinema, pure wonder, awe and magic fam – a feeling that made me fall in love with films. I always wait for that feeling when I watch something. It doesn’t happen often, so when it does I cherish it. 1917 made me feel like that kid again.

Only bad thing I will say about this is, the second time I watched it, the tension and other feelings didn’t work quite as well for me, so I guess it’s a one off kind of film. But still, a one off I won’t forget.

To understand what I’m talking about, watch this vid. Spoiler alert though.

Graphic Design


D&D 5e Dungeon’s Master Guide


Last week, I played a one shot Dnd and it was the first time that I narrated a dnd session. Because of it, I looked into the dungeon master’s guide. And turns out. It contains a lot of helpful instructions! Basically, it’s a long wikihow to build your own d&d story. I gobble up the whole book through the weekend, and I can’t wait to dm my next session!


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Surabaya Trip


Minggu lalu dapat kesempatan buat berkunjung ke Surabaya untuk sebuah upcoming project. Waktu baru hari kedua disana, mendadak handphone error sampai sama sekali ga bisa dibuka, dan terpaksa harus digital detox selama dua hari. Ternyata kejadian ini malah bikin work trip kali ini lebih berkesan dan menyenangkan karena jadi fokus ke hal-hal lain yang terjadi di sekeliling.

Supaya lebih gampang, berikut beberapa highlight selama perjalanan di Surabaya kemarin:

1. Soto lamongan Cak Har: kalau suatu saat sempet mampir kesini, jangan lupa pesen sama tulang-tulangnya, ya.
2. Kopi tubruk di warkop tendaan: mereka cuma buka dari jam 6 pagi sampe sore, karena target marketnya memang pekerja.
3. C2O Library & Collabtive: Kalau mampir kesana, jangan lupa sekalian beli gluten free cookies-nya.

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