Loka Suara Live At The Other Festival: Bing Renang
Episode terbaru Loka Suara Live dari gelaran The Other Festival.
These are the inspirations for "Katus" music. Please enjoy.
Lagu-lagu untuk persiapan Pestapora 2023
Lagu-lagu yang menginspirasi EP "NIAT".
Some tunes that reverberate Amerta's concave space.
Ikuti perjalanan Penjelajah Jalan Tikus yang disajikan oleh Feel Koplo.
Lagu-lagu referensi untuk album A Tiny Bit of Gold In The Dark Ocean.
"Some tracks that I've been digging!"
Old-time favorites as well as some new discoveries.
A reference to how I feel lately alongside a few others that stem from my teenage years.
A mix of easy tunes and soft rocks with a little twist of bedroom pop.
"Music for when I need to slow down and let the magic back in."
For those who like a little bit of everything in their bowl.
These are the inspirations for "Katus" music. Please enjoy.
Archipelago Festival dan Whiteboard Journal berupaya membangun insight netral seputar musik di Indonesia melalui Sensus Musik Kita.
Lagu-lagu untuk persiapan Pestapora 2023
Lagu-lagu yang menginspirasi EP "NIAT".
Some tunes that reverberate Amerta's concave space.
Ikuti perjalanan Penjelajah Jalan Tikus yang disajikan oleh Feel Koplo.
Temukan siapa dirimu dan bagaimana karaktermu menentukan arah masa depan.