We Discuss: I Selfie Therefore I Am: Ethics In Art
Ethics of art appreciation in a "selfie" driven culture with Andra Alodita, Bayu Genia and Fajar Abadi
Ethics of art appreciation in a "selfie" driven culture with Andra Alodita, Bayu Genia and Fajar Abadi
Exploring Jakarta's obsession with karaoke events with Diskoria, Videostarr, Diieunderdog and Dizkorea
Berbincang mengenai keberagaman dan kesetaraan dalam rangka peluncuran Whiteboard Journal Open Column Book
From design quality to plagiarism, we discuss the global status of local Indonesian brands and where it's going in the coming years
Discussing the new ways of enjoying content through the emergence online radio
Exploring the issues surrounding freedom of expression and individuality in the creative industry with our friends at Pluralism