Located in the south of Surabaya, Medayu Agung is a private library established by Oei Hiem Hwie, an ex-journalist, ex-political prisoner, and enthusiast for history and knowledge. Within the building's walls are precious books, newspapers, and documents that were banned during the Soeharto era. We had the chance to know and visit Medayu Agung Library thanks to our friends at C2O Library and Collabtive.
In this Focus, C2O's Kathleen Azali talks about Tanjung Perak, the iconic cape in Surabaya, it's history, and the recently held Perak Project, an exhibition dedicated to its legacy. Find out why Tanjung Perak is a landmark Indonesian's shouldn't forget, what it has become after many years, and how artists participating in Perak Project view the cape.
Whiteboard Journal had the chance to visit Bangkok, Thailand in January, and one of its best pop up flea market: Made By Legacy. Having steadily gaining recognition as one of Asia's best regular market event, we were curious and saw for ourselves what this event was all about.
With all of its quirks, Rrrec Fest #4 definitely succeeded in making one of the most memorable festivals of the 2014. Great music performances, thought-provoking talks, fun activities, and not to mention, the beauty of the valley itself is a joy to experience. With this kind of thing in the sack, we're really looking forward to being the witness of what the future of Rrrec Fest will offer.
Ayorek! and C2O's Anitha Silvia takes us on a tour of Surabaya's Arab Village accompanied by the beautiful photography of Erlin Goentoro, where visitors are surrounded with the unique blend of Indonesian and Arabic culture. Take a read and find out why this section of Surabaya is much celebrated, and is a worthy destination for those visiting the second largest city in Indonesia.
An establishment whose eco-friendly environment is striking, Rumah Turi has become one of the most talked about boutique hotels in Indonesia. Located in the middle of Solo, it has become a destination for people who enjoy good eco-sustainable designs, as well as those who are looking for tranquil and refreshing accommodations.