We Discuss: Sustaining Print Media In The Digital Era
Discussing the current state of print media in the digital era, its relationship to sustainability and how to sustain it with Binatang Press, Jakarta Art Book Fair and Further Reading
Discussing the current state of print media in the digital era, its relationship to sustainability and how to sustain it with Binatang Press, Jakarta Art Book Fair and Further Reading
The impact of social media's ever-changing trends on a brand's content plan, and how they navigate through the short-lived yet essential momentum with Sun Eater Coven, Makna Creative and Life at Gojek.
Membahas desain humanis, juga kreativitas dan orisinalitas di era digital bersama Fandy Susanto.
Questioning the significance of design education of aspiring graphic designers with Andi Rahmat, Gema Semesta, and Kelsey Kiano
Gelaran kedua festival desain grafis Seek-A-Seek.
Kesempatan bagi para desainer grafis Indonesia untuk bertemu dalam salah satu pameran desain penting.