How Can I Convince Myself That the Guy I Met Online and I Will Survive the Pandemic?
In this column submission, Ayundari Gunansyach writes about online romance and the dilemma of finding love and companionship during the pandemic.
In this column submission, Ayundari Gunansyach writes about online romance and the dilemma of finding love and companionship during the pandemic.
Pada submisi column hari ini, Mochammad Naufal Rizki mendalami makna tentang kehidupan dari dialog yang ditemukan di Attack On Titan. Apakah hidup itu hanya untuk berkembang biak? Atau apakah hidup adalah tujuan itu sendiri?
Pada submisi Column kali ini, Arip Apandi berkomentar soal jenis-jenis puisi yang kini banyak bermunculan di media sosial serta pentingnya memiliki semangat membaca.
In this column submission, Zefanya Norman Todoan dissects the toxicity of beauty standards and urges us to celebrate diversity instead.
In this open column submission, Calvinia Cristovalin talks about discovering the best version of ourselves and the pursuit of self-improvement.
In this column submission, Asiila Kamilia questions the reason behind people living nearby active volcanoes which leads her to reflecting on the ephemerality of life.