For their newest album, we had a quick chat with 2/3 of Khruangbin on topics from their newest release, their past set in Jakarta, and how they transcend lyrics for the pursuit of songwriting.
Kami berkesempatan untuk berbincang dengan Sal Priadi mengenai album terbarunya, MARKERS AND SUCH PENS FLASHDISKS, beauty of the mundane, dan asam-garam menjadi seorang generalis.
As we're approaching The Vaccines' first live performance in Bali, we had a chat with their frontman, Justin Young, and went over the band's growth over the years, their efforts on bringing relief for the London housing crisis, and FIFA video games.
Dalam submisi Open Column ini, Eka Annash, yang kini bergabung menjadi anggota Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan (KontraS), mengungkapkan kekhawatirannya tentang kekerasan yang terus direproduksi negara.