Film Peraih Nominasi Terbanyak FFI Tayang di Netflix awal Tahun Depan
Film dengan judul internasional “Photocopier” ini masuk dalam kompetisi New Currents di Busan International Film Festival.
Film dengan judul internasional “Photocopier” ini masuk dalam kompetisi New Currents di Busan International Film Festival.
“In this snatched, short-lived moment in their young lives, and while discovering the epic sweep of the US, both men are deeply changed.”
“My two older siblings have carried me through life, so it was jarring to be like, ‘Oh, they can’t get me out of this one.’”
“You’re killing people!”, “No, I’m killing boys.”
“If you make enough noise, it might actually happen….” ujar Asif.
Meski informasi detil masih belum dirilis, beberapa tahun silam, Chelsea Islan diumumkan akan memakai mantel Tira.