Kami berbincang dengan Wawan Suwandi dari Aliansi Laki-Laki Baru tentang peran laki-laki dalam perjuangan kesetaraan gender serta realita kasus kekerasan seksual yang semakin marak terjadi di masyarakat.
We talked with Nafas CEO and co-founder Nathan Roestandy to discuss the importance of understanding the impact of air pollution and their focus on data.
Kami berbincang dengan Tunggal Pawestri, aktivis dan konsultan gender yang aktif memperjuangkan isu-isu feminisme di Indonesia, tentang keadaan feminisme di Indonesia pada saat ini dan di masa depan.
We had the chance to chat with Jordan Rakei about his Patreon page, his views on being a multi-instrumentalist, and the message he wishes to convey through his newest album “What We Call Life”
We had the chance to talk to Josh Lloyd-Watson of Jungle about their newest album “Loving In Stereo” and building the Jungle aesthetics through music videos.