Talking with Indian Writer-Director, Reema Sengupta About Feminist Filmmaking in India
We sat down with her at the opening of Asia Africa Film Festival to chat about “Counterfeit Kunkoo” and the many ways a feminist can express oneself.
We sat down with her at the opening of Asia Africa Film Festival to chat about “Counterfeit Kunkoo” and the many ways a feminist can express oneself.
We got in contact with Jeff Staple to talk about New York and its role in streetwear culture and his collaboration with Footurama for the newest iteration of City Series.
Berbicara dengan Ketua Umum PSI, Grace Natalie tentang perjuangan toleransi dan transparansi, disrupsi parlemen, hingga asal usul sapaan “bro” dan “sis”.
Berbincang dengan Ibu Sumarsih, sosok di balik Aksi Kamisan, mengenai sedikitnya perhatian pemerintah terhadap HAM dan perjuangannya untuk demokrasi dan reformasi yang masih panjang.
Mendengar visi caleg untuk daerah pemilihan Banten tentang stay-at-home dad, juga tentang apa yang dia lakukan jika kalah di Pemilu nanti.
Talking to Connan Mockasin about his newest release and the process behind it, also how he feels about finally being in a record studio and a full band.