Every great idea begins with a note, and in this article we aim to explain why. One thing is for sure, though, is that taking notes is an essential part of creating and developing an idea. This article is brought to you by Samsung.
Bekerja sama dengan www.cheersbanggaindonesia.com, Whiteboard Journal mengumpulkan beberapa karya anak bangsa yang mampu merepresentasikan perayaan kemerdekaan Indonesia dengan berbagai pencapaian positif. Meliputi karya dari bidang fashion, product design, arsitektur, kesenian, desain grafis, kuliner, film dan musik, nama-nama berikut ini menunjukkan bagaimana anak-anak bangsa mampu menunjukkan kualitas dalam berkarya.
Dalam kunjungannya ke Jakarta, Erect Magazine berkesempatan untuk mampir ke kantor Whiteboard Journal untuk bertukar gagasan mengenai perkembangan dunia seni underground, penerbitan DIY hingga pentingnya arsip fisik untuk masa yang akan datang.
In this Focus, C2O's Kathleen Azali talks about Tanjung Perak, the iconic cape in Surabaya, it's history, and the recently held Perak Project, an exhibition dedicated to its legacy. Find out why Tanjung Perak is a landmark Indonesian's shouldn't forget, what it has become after many years, and how artists participating in Perak Project view the cape.
Activism is one of the major factors of many nations’ outlook. The youth plays an active role in the movement. By researching and building the networks of youth activism across the nation, Pamflet.or.id is an organization that aims to preserve the existence of youth activism in Indonesia.