

In Defense of Weaboo: Finding Comfort in Japanese Music

In this open column submission, Garrin Faturrahman notes how songs that are sung in languages of unfamiliar language can bring comfort, and how there's so much to explore if people can overlook the stigma labelled as "weaboos".


On Finding Solace in Your Own Solitude

In this open column submission, Bella Ferina highlights the importance of how normal it is to feel lonely, and the best thing we can do is nurture our inner selves and make it a decent safe space to live in.


You’re not left behind, you’re going at your own pace

Dalam submisi column ini, Ihsan Dhiya menuliskan pengalamannya "bergerak" lebih lambat dibanding teman-teman sebayanya, yang kerap membuatnya merasa cemas. Namun, alih-alih membandingkan pencapaiannya tersebut, ia justru melihatnya sebagai perbedaan laju tiap orang.

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