

Militarism Resurges—Will Millennials Take a Stand?

In this Open Column submission, Aldo Marchiano Kaligis and Dimas Bagus Arya, as members of KontraS, cast their memories as to bring about just how close we all are to regress into authoritarianism all over again through the eyes of fellow millennials.


Berita Buruk Setiap Hari, Apakah Masih Mungkin Punya Empati?

Dalam submisi Open Column ini, Intan Zariska Daniyanti banyak menuangkan kegamangan personalnya yang tetap berkecamuk di tengah jayanya berita-berita memprihatinkan, sekalian mengingatkan bahwa kita masih memiliki ruang untuk mendengarkan keresahan di kepala kita sendiri.


The Government Says They Protect Us—But Who Are They Really Protecting?

In this Open Column submission, Samantha Dewi Gayatri covers the history of state’s use of violence and repression—linking it to the recent movement of #IndonesiaGelap, which serves as a reminder that those in power cannot maintain control forever, especially when the will of the people refuses to be silenced.

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