Things We Like: What’s Cookin’?
Kumpulan makanan yang dibuat selama work from home.

“Things We Like” kali ini merupakan edisi khusus. Salah satu aktivitas yang kini hampir dilakukan oleh semua orang saat #WFromHome adalah memasak. Oleh karena itu, kami mengumpulkan sederet makanan yang telah dimasak selama work from home. Dari banana bread, lasagna, yamian, hingga pizza, berikut adalah beberapa masakan terbaik kami.
Lifestyle Editor
Banana Bread
So, I’ve been obsessed with baking ever since the quarantine life started. And like many others, I have tried (and failed) to bake banana bread. The first time I baked banana bread, I failed miserably. It was too heavy and damp, even tho I was sure I followed each step from the recipe. But I was determined to try again. And, so I did. This time I was being super careful to measure each ingredient and follow the steps religiously. When I was measuring the brown sugar, I realised that the last brown sugar that I used for my first banana cake had a different colour. Lord behold, I was using palm sugar instead of brown sugar for my first batch! No wonder, my first banana bread was damp and heavy!
Well, did I succeed to bake a moist banana cake on my second attempt? Not yet. It turned out good, but I wasn’t patient enough to let it cool before removing it from the pan so I kind of tore the loaf and it looked ugly. Taste good tho.
Editorial Staff
NOODLES with whatever’s on the fridge
Ok honestly I’ve been cooking less ever since Ramadhan but when I do, I often use whatever’s left in the fridge since minimising food waste is a priority in these trying times.
Anyway, here’s my own iteration of a black pepper yamian topped with gyu tan and some veggies.
Editorial Staff
Like many of my peers this quarantine, I have re-discovered the joy of cooking. Although I’ve always loved cooking and have been doing so for years and years, I recently forgot how fun and fulfilling it can actually be. Not only is it a great creative outlet, but it’s also an amazing way to de-stress without feeling completely drunk and useless afterwards… So with the little time (and frankly, energy) I have when I’m not working, I’ve started cooking everything. From curries to cheesecake, soups, pantry pasta, you name it! Most of them turned out miraculously well from the first try, but there’s one recipe that I’ve been dying for years to get right… my ex’s grandma’s lasagna.
Many many moons ago, I had the privilege (some might say misfortune) of dating this boy who happens to be of Italian descent. Throughout the time that we dated, he would fly back and forth from his hometown to London, and every time he would bring home packets of homemade lasagna his nonna made. He shared some with me one morning and I… finally understood the meaning of love. It was the best lasagna I’d ever had. The relationship didn’t blossom into the great love I had hoped for but a lot of good did come out of it… I became more patient, better at detecting bullshit, lost 20 pounds (mostly because of stress), and gained a new mission – to recreate this cheesy, beefy, incredibly hearty masterpiece.
To be honest, I kind of underestimated the skillset and knowledge you needed to make a damn good lasagna. I thought hey, it’s just some beef and cheese noodles, what could go wrong? A lot, I’ll tell ya. I’ve made so many versions of lasagna after that day, and none of them ever came close. One’s too salty, one has too much tomato, I didn’t cook off the roux enough, the oven’s too hot, the oven’s not hot enough! Everything that could go wrong about this recipe has gone wrong (knock on wood). But I finally did it you guys, I made the perfect lasagna… well, as perfect as I could, I’ve accepted that I’ll never achieve Italian grandma status. I could go on and on about how I made it, but it would turn into an actual column, and I won’t do that to Ghina, plus it’s a secret I hope to pass down to my kids and grandkids when I become a nonna myself.
I’ve never been more proud of myself. I made everything from scratch, and I mean everything. I started rolling pasta dough at around 1 PM, left the bolognese to simmer at 2, hurt my arm stirring bechamel (wimp) at 3, 6 hours later, lo and behold I managed to sit down and eat my lasagna at around 9 PM. It was delicious. There’s something about the way fresh pasta and bechamel pairs together that create this explosion of pure magic in your mouth. But we all know lasagna tastes better after you’ve left it overnight, so that’s exactly what I did. The result? Mindblowing. It’s not like I needed an excuse to eat lasagna at 10 AM… this is for research! Plus, who cares?!? Quarantine time warp equals caloric loophole, right? Right. A cup of iced brew and a plate of lasagna in bed? Good morning to you too!
Art Director
JJAPAGURI (aka Ramdon with no steak)
So this weekend, in the midst of my sourdough fuck-up (HHhhHHhh), I made a glorious Saturday night dinner. Thank you Parasite for bringing this nasty Frankenstein monster of instant food into the collective conscience. Thank you David Chang for your egg-yolk ramyeon Instagram post that inspired me for days. Thank you to my friend who preordered Chapagetti, decided that it wasn’t worth the hype, and sent a couple of packets over to me.
It’s a giant platter of fat, chewy noodles, slathered in gooey black sauce, sprinkled with spicy red powder, with some re-hydrated mystery toppings, and an added ugly poached egg on top. I stand by my decision to omit the beef cube steak. It’s so deliciously ugly and so ugly delicious. I will not have it any other way.
P.S: Why is Chapagetti so rare these days??? It used to be available everywhere ugh.
Graphic Design
小穎美食 (Channel Youtube china gitu)
Selama karantina ini gue ngga masak sama sekali, tapi ada 1 Youtube channel yang gue binge videosnya. Yaitu, Channel 小穎美食 (Nama Youtubernya adalah Xiao Ying) Pada suatu hari ini channel masuk ke rekomendasi, dan gue nonton videonya karena judul videonya aneh. Yang waktu itu gue tonton berjudul “My family’s leftover rice is never fried. This way, the chilren is addicted to it” dan karena judul “anak anak akan teradiksi” inilah yang membuat gue menonton videonya. Videonya hanya tutorial resep mudah gitu, daging + telor, nasi + telor, sayur + telor, etc (I’m beginning to see a pattern here) Dan ternyata, banyak viewer internasional yang nonton video itu karena judul absurdnya. Sekarang dia udah verified, dan punya 1M Subscriber, dan judul “anak anak akan X(teradiksi, cinta, suka,dll) menjadi running joke di comment section semua video resep dia
Graphic Design
All things CAJUN!!!
I cooked a lot of quick and easy meals throughout my quarantine, but one that stood out for me was when i tried to make cajun chicken. It’s basically just a bunch of dry seasoning thrown into a mix, you rub it on to anything you want, and voila! You’ll look like you’ve put a lot of effort into the dish. I’ve made chicken, fries, and sweet potato wedges, and all three came out pretty good!
Marketing & Partnerships
Bubur Makaroni
Bubur makaroni adalah semacam thick macaroni soup with meat sauce, yang merupakan salah satu makanan tradisi keluarga gue yang cuma bisa dinikmati selama bulan puasa, yang kita sekeluarga ga pernah tau asal usulnya dari mana, bahkan kalo di Google pun ga ada. Dari dulu entah kenapa ga pengen belajar cara bikinnya, karena kalau bukan nyokap gue yang masak, pasti rasanya ga pas.
Kebetulan minggu lalu waktu udah jadwalnya masak bubur makaroni buat buka puasa, tapi tangan nyokap lagi sakit, apa boleh buat gue harus turun ke dapur buat jadi sous chef-nya dia, terus jadi belajar resep dan cara masaknya sambil dipandu step-by-step sama nyokap. Kalo di film-film, scene ini pasti langsung jadi slow motion terus ada lagu sendu.
I realize that what makes this dish incredibly special is the fact that we can only devour it once a year and it is something that my family look forward to every Ramadan, di mana setiap kali tau ada menu ini kita semua langsung tertib duduk bareng di meja makan, nikmatin semangkuk bubur makaroni hangat sambil ngobrol.
Bamboo Twist
Stir-fry [anything]
I’ve been buying packaged veggies (broccoli, cauli, bok choy, etc). In the beginning, I wasn’t sure what to do with them so I googled the easiest way to cook vegetables with least amount of dishes to wash and limited spices. Turned out it’s stir-fry! So, for the past month, every other day is stir-fry of some sort of veggies, from fresh to wilted ones. If I’m feeling fancy, I’ll throw in some frozen tofu skin and mushrooms. Pretty good, I think. Not sure what my spouse thinks.
Sebagai penggemar pizza yang tidak pernah kesampean bikin pizza, akhirnya setelah seharian nonton series di youtube tentang pizza dan membaca buku tentang sejarah pizza, di masa quarantine ini saya berhasil membuat pizza untuk pertama kalinya. Masih perlu banyak ngulik karena equipment sederhana dan bahannya belum banyak komplit, mungkin inilah step awal dari mimpi zaman bocah untuk punya restoran pizza.