Things We Like: Food Deliveries
Kumpulan makanan yang sering kami pesan akhir-akhir ini.

Pada “Things We Like” kali ini, kami meng-highlight ragam aktivitas favorit semasa berdiam di rumah, salah satunya adalah memesan makanan online. Dengan semakin banyak bisnis rumahan yang menjual aneka ragam menu makanan yang menarik, tentunya akan semakin banyak pula rekomendasi yang bertambah. Oleh karena itu, kami mengumpulkan beragam makanan yang bisa dipesan untuk disantap di rumah. Dari pisang goreng, sandwich, bakmi hingga apple pie, berikut adalah beberapa pilihan kami.
Managing Editor
Pisang Goreng Bu Nanik
Sejarah atau peradaban biasanya ditandai oleh kemerdekaan, revolusi, atau temuan-temuan yang mengubah pola kehidupan. Dan, jika mengacu pada definisi tersebut, harusnya kita merayakan hari di mana Bu Nanik menemukan resep pisang gorengnya sebagai hari penting di peradaban. Sulit rasanya membayangkan hambarnya hidup tanpa merasakan manis dan legitnya Pisang Goreng Bu Nanik. Manis pisang rajanya yang natural, tepungnya yang wangi, hingga madu alami dari pisang yang terkaramelisasi harusnya kita rayakan sebagai salah salah satu temuan layaknya kita merayakan saat Steve Jobs mengumumkan Iphone, atau saat kita mengirim manusia keluar angkasa. Jika kurang doyan pisang, coba beli yang versi cempedak goreng yang juga tak kalah enaknya. Berita baiknya, sekarang pisang goreng bu nanik juga bisa dipesan via Tokopedia, jadi peradaban ini bisa dirasakan oleh semua.
Editorial Staff
Lunch For My Husband
Sandwiches are probably not a common thing for me to order but this one’s an exception. Some of you might have probably seen Lunch For My Husband’s fresh take on sandwiches roaming around IG’s feed. From its fashionable treatment for their product photography to their playful menu, it’s definitely got people interested. I’ve tried two of their menu, their first offering, Hiroshi, and their latest one, Mekong – and I’ve got to say, Mekong is something else!! I wouldn’t mind eating their sandwiches everyday.
If you want to have a taste, stay tuned on their posts because they sell out really fast.
Heart Attack
Bake 22/7
This classic Apple pie has been on my tummy rotation for quite sometimes, courtesy of one of my favorite bakers, Arunee Sarasetsiri. A genuine taste of home & comfort, would definitely order for more, even me mum loves this!
Art Director
Madam Lin’s Bakmi (@madamlins)
I take a few things in life very seriously, and I don’t play with my bakmi co-signs. I have only the highest standards and while I would normally prefer my bakmi freshly made, this one I would order as frozen packs, in bulk.
Homemade in West Jakarta, this checks all the marks in my book.
Noodles are springy! Has a bit of a bite! (go for the KERITING texture d’oh)
The minced pork topping is fragrant with garlic and sesame oil. Even after 4 months in my freezer, it perked back to life within 15 minutes in the steamer. They also have a chicken option, but honestly why bother.
The steamed dumplings are perfectly fragrant and chewy and you can legit taste the umami of the meat, instead of mystery stuffing.
My next shipment of 10 bakmi babi + 1 pangsit yamha packs are coming at the end of the month. I had to order 3 weeks in advance. WORTH IT.
[ALSO: obviously, @midnightbutterclub for dessert!!!!! christmas specials coming soon!]
Graphic Design
Richeese Factory
I like to burn my mouth to drown my feelings (and drowsiness). Richeese chicken strips accomplish that task beautifully. I like their chicken strips, No bone = No hassle = Happy Mardhi. Thank you for all the burn you give me in this wfh.
Graphic Design
Klean Bowl
Behold my latest obsession, Pad Thai Shirataki from Klean Bowl! Pretty close by to our Kemang office, but normally I’d order ahead since they’re always packed with Gojek orders! The actual Pad Thai looks legit as this photo! Big prawns and overall just yummy goodness. Spicy, flavorful, and the best thing is, it’s only 330 cal! Definitely a must to try!