Things We Like: Dari Minggu Pertama September
Stand up comedy, podcast hingga series yang kami sukai.

Di edisi terbaru “Things We Like”, kami mengumpulkan hal-hal yang sedang disukai oleh tim Whiteboard Journal berikut alasannya. Dari acara stand up comedy oleh mantan vokalis Black Flag, podcast mengenai ragam cerita yang akan membuat para pendengar paranoid hingga artikel yang mempromosikan body acceptance, berikut adalah “Things We Like” dari minggu pertama September.
Managing Editor
Henry Rollins – Keep Talking Pal
Dari dulu selalu intrigued pas lihat sosok Henry Rollins. Dan sebenarnya dulu tertarik dengerin Black Flag karena lihat presence-nya, bukan karena musiknya, he. Saat kemarin nemu show ini, agak shock karena melihat sosok yang dulu begajulan di panggung, kini sudah renta. Kalau ngomong Henry Rollins sebagai stand up comedian, sejatinya dia nggak bagus-bagus amat. Sepertinya ia masih terlalu banyak ide dan energi sedangkan delivery-nya agak berantakan – persis seperti saat dia nyanyi dulu. Tapi di show yang satu ini, dia punya banyak cerita menarik. Seperti saat ia kenalan dengan Ru Paul, kemudian pas dia ngobrol sama Ozzy Osbourne dan starstruck saat ketemu David Bowie. Yang unik, di semua kesempatan ia selalu overexcited dan akhirnya jadi awkward sendiri – persis seperti saat kita ketemu idola.
Editorial Staff
Floating Points Set NTS Radio – 12 Juni 2017
Kangen nonton DJ set Sam Shepherd, jadi iseng search di Mixcloud dan klik random mix ini. Dengerinnya pakai speaker yang ada di Things We Like minggu lalu.
Editorial Staff
Dr. Death
Thanks to an article a friend had sent me about Christopher Duntsch, I then stumbled upon this podcast in which it explored the story of this neurosurgeon who had maimed more than 30 patients, rendered some paralyzed (incl. his own best friend), and left two patients dead. Over six episodes, the podcast examines his time in medical school, how he could intentionally harm people at their most vulnerable, and how the healthcare system allowed him to continue doing it.
Also realised how wrong it is to have listened to this podcast while I have an upcoming surgery in a few days.
Editorial Staff
My playlist
Consists of a series of legends, some of which are: Aretha Franklin, Donnie & Joe Emerson, Otis Redding & Solomon Burke. This is not a self-promo, I just genuinely like myself.
Art Director
Kim’s Convenience
Yay for more baesian stories! This one’s about a Canadian-Korean family who owns a small corner shop in Toronto. The first couple of episodes can be a slog to get through, and Mr & Mrs Kim’s Korean accent initially sounded fake and borderline offensive to me ((aigoo)). But once you get over those humps (the stereotypical Asian-family-on-TV storylines), you’ll soon discover that this show has a big heart.
What’s particularly endearing to me is the incredibly zany cast of side-characters: neighborhood store regulars, often hanging around the shop and just chumming it up with Mr. Kim. The customers come from a variety of backgrounds, often immigrants, and my favorite one is the gay mustachio nurse who can’t seem to catch a break with Mr. Kim. This is no Crazy Rich Asians, but I can never relate to rich people anyway.
Graphic Designer
Explained (Astrology Episode)
Fenomena astrologi sebagai sebuah “agama” baru saat ini semakin nge-trend di tengah-tengah masyarakat global. Menanggapi fenomena ini, serial dokumenter “Explained” milik Netflix dan Vox, mengupas tuntas tentang asal-usul, sejarah, bagaimana cara sistem zodiak ini sebenarnya bekerja, dan dampak yang diberikan astrologi terhadap psikologis manusia.
Apakah astrologi adalah sebuah ilmu pasti? Mengapa astrologi menjadi sebuah kebutuhan baru bagi sebagian orang?
Graphic Designer
Thom Yorke – Suspirium [2018, from Suspiria (Music for the Luca Guadagnino Film)]
Umm ok, turns out there are already two entries about Thom Yorke’s Suspirium here in this platform this past week lol but I won’t apologize because I genuinely like it haha. First, I would say this piano-driven theme song by Thom Yorke for the upcoming Luca Guadagnino’s version of ‘Suspiria’, feels like it oozes a vibe of a melancholic, zen meditation before doing a gory, witchy carnage. (This movie will splash more gore than its 1977 version. Yay.) Its world premiere at Venice Film Festival received 8-minutes standing ovation but a rather mix of praises and boos from critics…hmm I’ll wait until I watch the movie and judge for myself, because seeing is believing. (Cheesy but true, and like, maybe often times we are so entitled to our own opinions, right? Ha ha. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Just kidding. Anyway, it’s a pleasant companion to the menacing, throwback horror vibe heard on both the announcement and teaser trailers. This means it’s also nice to hear a glimpse of what this first ever film score by Mr. Yorke will sound like during full release. The piano motif looping on the background really got me hooked along with Thom Yorke who poignantly delivers his trademark moody, ‘wailing’ voice while singing those cryptic lyrics — all cohesively evoking a sense of divine enigma that got me all weirdly oomph-y.
If you are curious more about the soundtrack, the full tracklist is up now, BUT do please proceed with caution, as I feel like it gives away some details of the movie’s plot. Release date is on October 26th in multiple formats: digital, two-CD set and a double LP vinyl pressed on fuchsia-ish pink LP. (Oh my, fuchsia hater here could suck it.)
Lastly, Indonesian film distributor apparently bought the right for this movie to be screened here sometimes around the end of the year. Definitely not sorry for being overly excited.
Yaaas bish.
Graphic Designer
Let’s Not Meet
Lagi kerja tapi suka mengantuk? Kopi atau permen asem gak mempan? Coba dengerin podcast yang satu ini! Bikin merinding-merinding gimana gitu. Kenapa? Karena, podcast ini membahas cerita (berbasis di Amerika) asli DAN bukan cerita hantu, tapi tentang manusia yang perilakunya ada-ada aja. Gak bakal nyangka manusia bisa kayak gitu! Semoga bisa bantu kalian lebih berhati-hati dan pastinya BANGUN disaat ngantuk datang hehe.
Marketing & Sales
“I’m Not Ready to Talk About My Body, But Maybe That’s Why I Should” by Harling Ross
Saya sudah cukup lama menjadi pembaca setia website Man Repeller, dan Harling Ross memang merupakan salah satu penulis kesukaan saya karena gaya tuturnya yang selalu menarik. But this article gives me chills.
“I’ve heard that as you get older, you care less about these types of things, but I’m not sure that’s true. I think you just learn how to soften the shape of caring, to give it smoother edges so when it bumps into you, it doesn’t break the skin.”
Silahkan baca artikel lengkapnya di sini.
The Story of Street Fighter: The greatest bad movie ever made
Pembahasan mengenai salah satu film favorit saya sewaktu zaman SD.
Asia’s Next Top Models Season 6
It’s back! Models models models! Campy campy campy! Spoiler: A few of last season’s finalists returned as mentors *gasp. So we have slightly more famous models guiding the less-famous models who will soon be slightly more famous than they are now. Petty catfights, traumatic makeover, a model named Beauty! Super excited!