Things We Like: Dari Minggu Pertama November
Acara masak, video animasi, hingga makanan yang kami sukai.

Kembali lagi dengan “Things We Like”! Di dalam program ini, kami mengumpulkan hal-hal yang sedang disukai oleh tim Whiteboard Journal berikut alasannya. Dari video animasi yang menyatukan para supervillain ternama, kembalinya band emo kesukaan, hingga serial acara masak dari Bon Appetit, berikut adalah “Things We Like” dari minggu pertama November.
Managing Editor
Toon Sandwich: Super Villain Bowl
Bayangkan semua supervillain di pop kultur berantem di Colosseum. Joker, Darth Vader, Alien, Predator, T-Rex, semua deh. Udah?
Gak bisa bayangin? Gapapa, nonton ini aja.
Epic is an understatement for this super mega brawl!!!!!!!!!
Editorial Staff
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Telat baca nih ya, tapi ya boleh lah. Udah lama ga baca buku non fiksi atau yang bahasannya seru. Semoga abis tamatin buku, gw ga jadi sotoy atau post foto dengan irrelevant caption ya. Amin.
Editorial Staff
Bon Appetit’s “From The Test Kitchen” Videos
Nothing else gives me joy other than binge watching Bon Appetit staffers making things out of the test kitchen. From getting secondhand stress from watching Claire on Gourmet Makes, laughing at Brad’s dad jokes on It’s Alive to watching Carla messed up her egg several times, they truly are the kitchen staffers we all need. From 10-minute videos to hour-long ones, I’ll still be paying attention as if I’m also there.
Would love to be a fly on the wall in the test kitchen just to see what goes on.
Editorial Staff
MCR Reunion
Walau logo barunya jelek banget tapi jiwa emo-ku tetap menangis. Gerard Way was / is / and will always be my Mecca.
Agak sentimental karena inget banget, pertama kali nemu “nulis”, I was 11 years old and I wrote a letter to Gerard Way karena gak boleh nonton bcs too young obvi, so for my English class gue curhat kenapa gue sayang banget sama MCR dan betapa sedihnya gue ga bisa nonton mereka. Lo and behold, my mom submitted it to Jakpost, I got my first writing published then, and here we are now.
Whiteboard can thank (or blame) Gerard Way for my presence here lol.
Take a moment to enjoy the song that started it all for me xx. Cry everytime
Art Director
Bon Appetit’s “Making Perfect” video series
To paraphrase the Youtube comment section: It’s like the Avengers, but delicious.
I just got hooked into the Bon Appetit channel this weekend via “Gourmet Makes”, but already I’m loving the colorful cast of food editors and the extraordinary lengths they go to when testing a recipe.
In the first season of this series, they join forces to assemble the perfect pizza. Now, whether the final pizza they come up with is actually that good, who’s to know–I sure as hell am not going to make one anytime soon.
Key takeaway: “The dough can smell fear.”
Graphic Designer
Nasi Goreng Kecombrang – Tujuh Rasa
Jadi setiap hari Minggu gue suka pergi makan bareng temen gue dan kami selalu pergi ke Tujuh Rasa di Cipete and our go-to dish adalah nasi goreng kecombrang ayam spesial! Campuran rasa gurih dan pedesnya sedap banget!! Biarpun jujur ini ga sehat sama sekali, tapi ga peduli karena yang penting bisa makan enak dan hati senang.
Graphic Designer
ROXY Long Sleeve UPF 50 Rash guard – Swimwear
Karena bulan ini adalah bulan ulang tahun gue dan baju berenang gue yang udah gue pake dari gue SMA udah mau falling apart so..I got a pair of new swimwear from my mother as a birthday gift. Kenapa? Gue jabarin aje kali yeee:
Recycled Fabric: High-performance VITA Xtra Life™ Lycra®: Ultra-soft, recycled stretch fabric with UV, chlorine and sun-cream resistant properties
Comfortable regular fit
UV Protection: UPF 50 sun protection
Contrasted color collar
SO IN LOVE. Thank youuu mother <3
Marketing & Partnerships
The annual ‘Thriller’ performance at Abbington Senior Living
I came across this tweet about an annual Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” performance at a senior citizen home in Utah, USA, and IT IS GOLD.
I got pure happiness just by looking at their enthusiasm.
The annual ‘Thriller’ performance at Abbington Senior Living is glorious
— Giles Paley-Phillips (@eliistender10) November 10, 2019