Things We Like: Dari Minggu Ketiga April


Things We Like: Dari Minggu Ketiga April

Musik, beauty blogger hingga tv series yang kami sukai.

by Whiteboard Journal


Di dalam program “Things We Like”, kami mengumpulkan hal-hal yang sedang disukai oleh tim Whiteboard Journal berikut alasannya. Dari kumpulan musik dari band Jirapah yang akhirnya dirilis di layanan streaming, beauty blogger terpercaya, hingga koleksi terbaru dari Footurama, berikut adalah “Things We Like” dari minggu ketiga April.

Managing Editor

Jirapah di Spotify

Akhirnya, lagu-lagu Jirapah bisa didengerin di Spotify! Hampir semua katalog sudah masuk, beberapa lain yang terpencar akan segera disusulkan dalam waktu dekat. Pas banget sih momentumnya, saat sekarang pulang-pergi kantor naik kereta. Jadi bisa denger “Muto” secara kontekstual sambil jadi pepes saat jalan ke rumah bersama sobat-sobat KRL.

Tapi, sebenarnya yang lebih seru adalah materi-materi baru yang akan segera datang nanti. Tunggu saja.  

Editorial Staff


Dapat kabar kalau Mondo mau tutup dari teman. Setelah tahu tanggal pastinya, jadi sedih karena ini adalah satu-satunya tempat yang enak buat hang out tanpa harus merasa tertekan atau insecure. Di sini juga gue dengar berbagai acara dan set seru yang bikin gue Shazam lagu hahaha.

Sebelum tutup, akhirnya gue sempatkan datang salah satu acara yang rutin di sana – How Do You Like Wednesday? Seru walau cuaca malam itu lebih gerah dari biasanya. Goodbye Mondo!

Editorial Staff

The Cutting Room Floor

The Cutting Room Floor is a fashion podcast series by designer Recho Omondi that covers current events and interviews with industry insiders. She’s painfully honest, really fun to listen to and she basically demystified the pretentious, formal, and highbrow part of the industry that is already so intimidating.

She’s already on her second season and she’d done episodes with Virgil Abloh, Diet Prada, The Fashion Law’s Julie Zerbo, and a lot more. It’s super insightful and what I love is how she’s not afraid to tell her truth esp. When talking about Virgil ie. “I don’t care that he’s the ‘first black designer’ if his work isn’t that great”.


Graphic Designer

Gothamista Youtube channel

I have once again fallen into the whirlpool of Beauty Youtube. Now I am by no means a capable Sobat Beauty(™), because my skincare philosophy is really “just tell me what works in my budget thank you”, but I have been searching for a good serum since I’m running out of my old one, and Gothamista (Renée Chow) is one of the only 2 beauty Youtubers that I trust. I mean, LOOK at her face! Skin so bright, sis must have done something right.

I appreciate how she is immensely thorough, no-frills, and very knowledgeable about the science behind the product ingredients. Whenever I finish a video, I feel accomplished like I just went to a very well-presented, eye-opening lecture. I think I have at least rewatched her The Ordinary Review 5 times and I have taken down notes. Full disclosure: I only watch in 1.5x speed with closed captions turned on, because who got 20 minutes to spend just to figure out what the heck is niacinamide??? (it is a vitamin B thing that brightens your skin -from my notes)

Graphic Designer

Our Planet (2019)

Ini super banget kalau ditonton di layar gede, yang isi ruangannya itu layar doang. Hening, sunyi, syahdu. Gambarnya BAGUS BANGET. Hampir tiap scene itu selalu “anjir…anjir…” amazed banget dan sempat mikir film ini pasti banyak pakai CGI. Ternyata engga, film ini pakai real footage yang diambil dari 50 negara berbeda, dan di tiap lokasinya bisa ditungguin berminggu-minggu untuk dapet particular nature event or animal activity yang super detail. Nonton film ini bikin berasa diri sendiri itu kecil banget dibanding kekayaan alam di bumi. Gambar-gambarnya indah sekaligus thrilling, bikin jadi bertanya-tanya, kita bisa apa? Kalau ini semua habis atau ga ada, kita bakal gimana? Atau bahkan, kapan giliran kita (untuk habis)?

Marketing & Sales

“Footurama x Staple NY” Announcement!

I’m super excited to finally be able to share the good news to everyone about Footurama’s latest collaborative City Series collection with Staple NY!!! Hihi.

Masih lumayan berasa mules dan surreal kalo mikir koleksi ini akhirnya akan di rilis akhir pekan ini, setelah menjalani proses development yang cukup panjang dari setahun kebelakang.

Thanks @people on the comment section, your excitement made my day bruh(s) <3

Bamboo Twist


This miniseries is an original by Netflix. Beyond horror, this film explore the ongoing tension and conflict of religion in India as well as a folklore of Djinn. This film has a few layers to peel off which makes it very entertaining and engaging. There are horror, thriller, action, and dystopian packed into this miniseries which can actually be made into 1 movie.

It sort of reminds me of that Iranian film on Netflix ‘Under The Shadow’. Anywho, super good watch!whiteboardjournal, logo