Things We Like: Best of 2018
Merangkum hal-hal yang kami sukai di tahun 2018

Di program “Things We Like”, kami mengumpulkan hal-hal yang sedang disukai oleh tim Whiteboard Journal berikut alasannya. Untuk menutup tahun 2018, kami telah memilih hal-hal apa saja yang paling kami sukai di tahun ini.
Making Music
Besides of the things I do in Whiteboard Journal and Studio 1212, there are two things that I am very proud to be a part of in 2018, and those things are Jirapah and Aruna dan Lidahnya.
Jirapah has been on hiatus for a year, and I’m very happy that in 2018, Mar, Yudhis, Nico and I have mustered the energy to get back in the studio to write music, even performing them on several occasions. Look out for Jirapah in 2019, we have a lot of stuff prepared for you. Shout outs to Hilmi & Jan (Jirapah fam lifers!)
Aruna dan Lidahnya… I love the creative process with the good folks at Palari Films. Mas Edwin, Mba Dede, and Eddy invited me and Mar to score Aruna dan Lidahnya, gave us enormous room to experiment, and through intense discussions, a whole lot of hard work, and a side of joking around Aruna dan Lidahnya was born. I feel so proud to have been a part of this film, and grateful for the trust Palari Films gave us. Shout outs to the Post-Production team – we should make t-shirts.
Thank you, 2018.
Managing Editor
Saleh Akal Wisanggeni
Banyak mimpi saya terwujud tahun ini, bikin secret gig, mini gig campur genre (shoutout to Loka Suara Live Team!) sampai ngobrol sama sosok idola sedari SMA. Tapi sebenarnya hal terbaik yang terjadi di tahun 2018 adalah sebuah hal yang bahkan saya belum berani impikan, tapi justru paling membahagiakan. Menjadi bapak.
Setiap hari saya belajar hal baru. Akal mengajarkan banyak hal melalui polah dan tawanya. Kadang timbul pertanyaan di kepala, apakah saya pantas untuk menjadi bapak dari anak yang lucu, murah senyum dan tidak rewel seperti Akal? Tapi biarkan itu menjadi pertanyaan di kepala saya sendiri. Atau bisa jadi, itu bukan hal yang harus dipertanyakan, tapi lebih baik untuk disyukuri.
Kalau kapan-kapan ketemu, ajak dia bercanda. Di senyumnya, kalian akan melihat sumber bahagia kami sekeluarga.
Editorial Staff
Timothee Chalamet
I was gonna say “personal growth”. BUT. If we’re friends on Instagram and one or sometimes you found a lot of Timmy’s photos and videos on explore page, that’s because I liked so many of it and follow many fan accounts. I mean.. I MEAAAAN. Look at him! So beautiful. Flawless skin, thick brows, lashes, cute nose and pink lips. Then look at his sunflower eyes, my goodness! God-like! “Call Me By Your Name” is definitely his best film, coz I was drawn to the character since the first view – and you have no idea how many times I’ve watched it. I tried to watch his other films but only like “Miss Stevens”.
Editorial Staff
Jadi Liaison Officer-nya DIIV
Sejujurnya tulisan ini bisa jadi super panjang. Tapi gue akan coba persingkat.
Buat yang belum tau, DIIV adalah salah satu band favorit gue, sampai detik ini. Apalagi setelah diberi kesempatan untuk mengasuh mereka saat kunjungannya ke Indonesia. Can you imagine how it feels like to spend your days with your favorite band ever????? And not only for a day, but 4 days. Masih terasa surreal buat gue. Ada banyak fase yang gue lewati hingga akhirnya berada di titik tersebut, mulai dari bolos UAS tapi mereka batal tampil di Laneway Singapore (2016), berhasil solo trip ke Bangkok buat nonton mereka dan kenalan in person sama Colin (2017), dan akhirnya jadi LO dan berteman sama mereka (2018). Gue kira, gue bisa memanfaatkan momen ini dengan baik dan menebus hal-hal yang terlewat saat punya kesempatan ketemu mereka seperti saat di Bangkok (re: foto-foto) tapi ternyata, saat gue jadi LO mereka, gue justru terlarut dan yang jadi fokus gue justru getting to know more about them, and I did it well. Meskipun cuman berhasil foto bareng tepat sebelum mereka pulang, tapi pengalaman ini benar-benar lebih dari untuk sekadar punya foto bareng mereka and now I miss them everyday. Intinya, pengalaman ini adalah highlight of the year gue.
Shout out buat om Helvi Sjarifudin yang telah mempercayakan dan memberikan kesempatan ini ke gue. I owe him.

Editorial Staff
Settling In
Went back for good by the end of 2017 with a heavy heart, was pretty sure that I’m not going to enjoy being back here and just hated the fact that I’m in Indo. But now looking back, 2018 has been a good year! Met new people, got a job, learnt and experienced new things, ate great food, drank really nice drinks, Lazy Susan finally became a thing (!!!!). I’d be lying if I told you that it’s been a healthy year, but from the bottom of my heart I would like to thank social lubricants to make maintaining a social life much much easier.
Editorial Staff
Not to objectify myself, but I truly was / am the thing / person I like best this year. The past two years have been particularly rough, not used to such sudden changes, sudden losses, and other health related challenges. As strong as I appear, all of that combined takes a toll on a person. I’m so thankful I had my friends, my family, my pets, but the only person who really pulled me out of my existential funk was ME. Thanks @ me for constantly reminding me of who the f I am. Self-discovery and love is a journey, but I’m comforted to know that wherever I am, I’ll be fine because I know who I am. I am simply TOO worthy to feel defeated. So I would like to thank not only God, or Jesus, but MYSELF. Thanks Emma. Love, Emma.
Art Director
Road trip to Tasmania
Around June this year, my friends and I travelled to the down, down under. In a red Toyota Corolla. Nibbled through bags of pistachios inside the red Toyota Corolla. Nearly ran over a dozen wombats. Drove through dark forests to chase sights of the aurora (did not see auroras). Took a ghost tour on the grounds of a 19th century prison (did not see ghosts, but it was wicked). Stayed in a creepy-ass mansion owned by Chinese airbnb hosts, overlooking the Hobart harbor. Experienced the lightscapes of James Turrell in a museum which also has a poop-producing machine in its collection. Was constantly freezing.
But damn if it wasn’t exhilarating. I hope I’ll have many more of these highs.
Graphic Designer
Things yang paling gue like di tahun ini jatuh kepada teman-teman dari Studio 1212, Whiteboard Journal dan Footurama. Such a pleasure bisa kerja bareng dengan semua manusia-manusia super yang ada di sini, gak peduli seberapa capeknya kerjaan yang lalu lalang di kantor, you guys are awesome!
Biggest thanks and warm hugs for mi familia!
Love you all!! ??
Graphic Designer
Not fucking sorry.
Not sorry for staying true.
Not sorry for keeping it real.
Not sorry for standing up for myself.
Not sorry for speaking up.
Not sorry for being vulnerable.
Not fucking sorry.
Happy fuckin new year.
Graphic Designer
Pottery Wheel Machine
Bertahun-tahun bermimpi punya studio ceramic sendiri, pake uang keringat sendiri. Akhirnya setelah sekian lama ngumpulin uang baru kesampaian tahun ini! Hehehe tapi saking lamanya dan padatnya waktu mencari uang untuk beli mesin ini, keahlian bikin jadi berkurang…Intinya, ini awalan dari mimpiku dan pastinya sangat amat bersyukur tahun ini bisa beli mesin yang tadinya gue kira hanya hayalan. Ditunggu ya nama merek ceramic-ku sendiri dan karya-karyaku akanku jual nanti hehe AMIINNN. Thank you 2018 you did good!
Marketing & Sales
The Footurama Show
Banyak hal tidak terduga yang terjadi tahun ini, dan salah satunya adalah diberikan kepercayaan untuk bikin video series di Whiteboard Journal mengenai Footurama. Who would’ve ever thought that my cheap sense of humor will come in handy for a work-related project?
Shout out to ‘The Footurama Show’ production team, my bosses, serta teman-teman kantor yang selalu bersedia diajak bikin skit aneh-aneh, hehehe.
Cheers to more episodes ahead! Xx.
Senang juga akhirnya bisa lamaran sama pasangan saya terus tahun depan mau menikah deh hehehehe.
Randy. R .Rais, top 5 narsisistik tapi soleh list!
– Berat Badan 123, nomor cantik
– Gaining new XPs with zBrush + Openframeworks
– Hampir bikin feature (2020 marked)
– The ones with an extra patience for being kind and nice eventhough I’m an Ahole by default
– The Footurama Show !!! Njet jet jet jet jeet jet
Bamboo Twist
Music scoring on Aruna & Lidahnya (Palari Films)
Having to work with Palari Films for the second time on this star-studded and studmuffin-filled film was the highlight of this year. Along with Ken Jenie, we took on this project that is quite different than the first film. It was an experience that broaden our music palate and let us get into a new journey. Getting the nomination was also a proud moment for us and being able to attend the red carpet event was fairly exciting.
Honorable mention: Asian Games 2018!