Things We Dislike: Worst of 2018


Things We Dislike: Worst of 2018

Merangkum hal-hal yang kami tidak sukai di tahun 2018.

by Whiteboard Journal


Untuk menutup tahun 2018, sebagai kebalikan dari konten “Things We Like”, kami juga mengumpulkan hal-hal yang tidak disukai oleh tim Whiteboard Journal berikut alasannya – karena tidak semua hal di tahun ini itu indah.



Everybody are entitled to their opinions, and if you feel strongly about your beliefs, even hate something/somebody, then feel free to have those opinions. But there is something seriously wrong with you when you force people to adhere to your ideals, beliefs, orientation, opinion, lifestyle, etc and forcefully prevent people from expressing theirs.

Most worrying are instances when lawlessness become the norm, when the people that are committing crimes are not held accountable for their actions. Not saying that all rules are just, because I’m sure many aren’t, but those that protect the freedom to be and express ourselves should be enforced, and those that deter them under scrutiny.

I hope, in the near future, we can all feel comfortable and, more importantly, feel safe being ourselves.

Managing Editor

Efek Rumah Kaca – Kuning

Lagu ini masih sering saya dengar tahun ini karena satu alasan, topiknya masih sering terasa sangat relevan sampai sekarang. Dan ini saya benci.

Sedikit-sedikit persekusi, juga masih suka main hakim sendiri. Sayangnya kebiasaan buruk ini sering datang dari kaum yang saya wakilkan: Jawa, Islam dan laki-laki. Lama-lama sulit untuk jadi bangga dengan identitas ini jika kita tak bisa melangkah dari yang gini-gini.

Saya mendambakan suatu masa di mana lagu semacam “Kuning” dari Efek Rumah Kaca ini tak lagi relevan secara bahasan. Untuk itu, kami di sedang merencanakan sesuatu untuk bisa sedikit berkontribusi dalam usaha mewujudkan mimpi tadi. Semoga bisa terealisasi.

Editorial Staff


I stopped setting goals after graduated, but still setting expectations for everything. I hate changes that happened this year coz I didn’t prepare for or expect it. I hate to be a frequent flyer for almost 4 consecutive weekends and edit videos every week. I hate that I have to do the same task for almost 3 years. I have so much hate, it ruined my hormones. I hate that I haven’t tried hard enough to fix my sleep pattern. I hate I never set goals for myself and everything’s didn’t meet my expectations. Ironically, I have to change this habit soon.

Editorial Staff

Berita Limbah Plastik

Sedih banget dari tahun ke tahun masalah ini nggak pernah membaik, yang ada justru semakin memprihatinkan. Maka dari itu, tahun ini gue sangat mencoba untuk mengurangi penggunaan plastik, meskipun masih sangat sulit dihindari. Hal tersebut dikarenakan sebagian besar packaging dari kebutuhan sehari-hari kita, masih didominasi dengan bungkus plastik. Tapi harapannya semoga teman-teman yang baca ini punya kesadaran serupa dan mulai melakukan usaha yang sama. Dampak dari buang sampah sembarangan, tidak memilah mana sampah yang bisa terurai dan mana yang tidak, hanya akan membuat Bumi kita semakin sekarat. Kalau tidak dimulai dari lo, lantas harus dimulai dari mana lagi? *sobbing*

Editorial Staff

Torn ACL & LCL

So basically I’ve been experiencing knee pain ever since my very last basketball game during high school 5 years ago, but like any traditional Indonesian, I resorted to Pak Hajis and tukang urut since I thought it was a no biggie. Believing that knee injuries are forever, I didn’t think much of it and accepted it as my Fate. Fast forward 5 years later, I fell (again) during a night out and god damn it hurt like a mother fucker. Turns out I had two of my main ligaments completely torn and my doctor was #shook as hell. Hence I finally got my knee fixed, can’t walk and function like a human being for 2 weeks, and have to use a very fashionable knee brace for 6 months.

All in all, love your knee guys.

Editorial Staff

My existential crisis 🙂

Wtf am I doing? I’ve been asking myself that question since I came back to Jakarta a little over a year ago. I guess the whole point of having these feelings is to push you to be a better version of yourself and help you “ascend” into the next level of your life. It is essential, and I am grateful, but man is it a bitch. Not looking forward to more sleepless nights, staring at my ceiling worrying about what’s gonna happen if I don’t have enough money to buy a house in 10 years, or if I’m going to be a good wife/mother one day, or if I actually even want these things. Depressing? That’s life sis. Let’s cheers to a more mindful 2019.

Art Director

Money management

It’s not like I have a lot of money to manage. Quite the opposite, really. I believe this is what they call the middle-class syndrome. I feel that I keep buying mediocre knick-knacks (my coworkers can attest to this) instead of saving up to build my empire. HELP ME.

Graphic Designer


I love my job, I love my family, I love my friends, I love my girlfriend, I love everything else around me, but sorry not sorry gue kurang sayang sama badan sendiri. Tahun ini, pola makan gue berantakan, dan ditambah sangat kurang olahraga, alhasil naiklah berat badanku. Jadi makin males gerak dan bikin hidup kurang produktif 🙁

Jadi PR utama gue tahun depan adalah OLAHRAGA, supaya SEHAT jiwa dan raga. Karena kalo kata orang bijak, men sana in corpore sano, di dalam tubuh yang sehat terdapat jiwa yang kuat.


Graphic Designer

Lotsa things.

On the verge of burning out is significantly one of them — or maybe I already am. But of course I have myself to blame! Tee-hee! When you go full-throttle dedication on whatever you’re chasing, and then, like, you are oblivious to the signs/symptoms — it’s actually kind of terrifying. What if it turns out it already manifests 100% toll on your physical, and mental without you knowing?! What the fuccck. Sensitive people or the “feeler” personality type, have it worst — like me. If you are porous to anger and dark and morbid thoughts — that shit will amplify. No kidding. Say like, oh yeah I hope those bitches who did me hella wrong got their heads run over by a train. Or maybe like, you started hoping The Purge movie becomes real. Wow. Batshit. Crazy. Tell. Me. About. It.

The next ones are classic reverse culture shock dislikes. Went back for good from Ahmoorihca back on the day Trump got elected, and well, well I still can’t fucking believe how congested Jakarta’s north to south traffic is every morning. I take a shit every morning. Pun. Ok. Next. CENSORSHIP. And how fucking backwards/dated some people’s mindset are. And THIS: hierarchical-authoritative bigots – wherever, whoever — I don’t care if you are closeted or just straight up bigots — you are a BIGOT. Second to last: unnecessarily cynical and jealous people — fuck you and all your fucking pathetic accusations and annoyances. Peasants.

And lastly: the contradictory state this city’s people always seemingly caught up in. Like what the actual fuck?


Graphic Designer


Things I dislike tahun ini ga ada maknanya, ga usah dibaca sampe abis jujur
Perasaan baru aja lulus Desember tahun lalu, perasaan baru aja keterima kerja di Studio 1212, perasaan baru aja kemarin Lala nge-brief gue bikin template “Things We Like” ini. Perasaan ini~~~janganlah cepat berlalu (yah nyanyi). Eeeeeh udah mau akhir tahun aja gengs, bukannya gka suka sama waktu cuman berharap bisa gunain waktu lebih optimal (HALAAAHH) karena faktanya ternyata saya masih banyak PR yang tertunda, semoga tahun depan dimudahkan. All in all, jangan sampai waktu kalian meleleh gitu aja di tangan kalian, sad but true.

Marketing & Sales


Throughout 2018, I’ve been experiencing several episodes of severe migraines (almost) every week. Meskipun terdengar harmless dan sepele, tapi karena terjadinya cukup sering jadi lumayan mengganggu aktivitas sih.

Oleh karena itu, salah satu prioritas utama di resolusi tahun 2019 adalah memperbaiki kualitas hidup yang kira-kira menjadi faktor utama kehadiran si migren ini.


Keteteran ngurus nikahan

Setelah kelar lamaran, maka adalah saatnya untuk mengurus pernikahan. Karena tidak pake organiser, jadi urus sendiri. Dan karena sibuk kerja (dan main main), akibatnya jadi keteteran. Menyesuaikan visi, misi, dan budget dengan pasangan, orang tua, dan calon mertua adalah sebuah tantangan yang harus kalian rasakan dalam hidup.


Me for makin this top 5 hate list 

Comments section sosmed, dirasa bisa jadi ide baru bentuk penyiksaan neraka jahanam
– Aturan ganjil genap, Pondok Indah !?! man ?!
Youtube ads volume level, when you clicked 3 hours of serene nature sound video and “hhgdcfgH*AJH#&^fB+GDSHIG”
2018 self-righteous morally superior idiots, do us a favor… minum baygon 5 liter
– Politik, perlu dicamkan dalam dunia politik, gak ada protagonis/antagonis semuanya K**t*l

Bamboo Twist

How media portrays LGBTQ in Indonesia

This is not just for 2018 but for the years before. It’s so disheartening to read news on major media outlets in Indonesia on LGBTQ topics. From the way they write the headlines to the news itself, the media pretty much have framed the information in such a way that we see and read the news in a subjective way in which they are sinners and bad people. It’s so sad that these media help perpetuate negative stereotype the already precarious position of the LGBTQ people.

Oh, it happens to crimes involving female victims as well e.g “she’s a karaoke hostess”, “she invited men who are not her husbands to her place”. Just unbelievable.