Things We Like: Music According to Our Interns
Kumpulan musik pilihan para intern.

“Things We Like” kali ini adalah edisi khusus karena kami mengundang para intern untuk memberikan rekomendasi pilihan mereka. Masih dalam rangka meng-highlight ragam aktivitas favorit semasa berdiam di rumah, kali ini kami memusatkan perhatian pada rilisan musik yang bisa menjadi favorit. Dari Waxahatchee, Mojave 3, hingga Plantasia, berikut adalah beberapa pilihan mereka.
Editorial Intern
Waxahatchee – American Weekend (2012)
With her mellow lyrics and acoustic guitar, Waxahatchee’s Katie Crutchfield sings about all the stages of being in a relationship. From the realisation that you’ve started to develop feelings in “I Think I Love You”, to then wondering how your crush feels in “Catfish”, to the inevitable post-breakup breakdown in “Grass Stain”.
There’s something about “American Weekend” and Katie Crutchfield’s voice that makes listeners feel as if they could relate to her songs, whether they’re currently in love or not. If this album were to be released around this time, Katie Crutchfield would receive the same admiration as Soccer Mommy, girl in red, or the likes for how she sings about love and being entrapped by it.
Editorial Intern
Mojave 3 – Excuses for Travellers (2000)
Belakangan ini malam hari di Bandung bisa bersuhu 20℃, beberapa malam kadang bisa sampai di bawah angka tersebut. Dinginnya itu yang akhirnya menghantarkan gue balik lagi buat mendengarkan katalog musik Mojave 3, terutama album yang dirilis pada tahun 2000 dan bertajuk “Excuses for Travellers”.
Album alter ego-nya Slowdive ini dirilis oleh 4AD dan memiliki sepuluh repertoar di dalamnya. Berisikan trek dengan musik yang menurut gue terasa hangat dan bisa bikin rileks, namun beberapa cukup melankolis, salah satunya lagu yang terfavorit dan paling banyak gue putar; “Prayer for the Paranoid”.
Editorial Intern
Caravan Palace – <|°_°|> (2015)
The only thing that I need to do in 2020: wake up, literally. So, here I am, listening to Caravan Palace’s French electronic song. Their songs are actually my 3 am anthem since I was in architecture school when I had to stay up all night doing my projects. That’s true, it helps me a lot to stay awake in the late night.
Well, in this very slow pace of life, I often feel so drowsy and I end up drowning into a deep deep sleep. Of course I need to finish all the tasks with my eyes open, right? Yup, for the second time I decided to choose Caravan Palace as my caffeine. For me, “Lone Digger” and “Wonderland” are the best track to wake you up. Perhaps, it equals 1 or 2 cups of coffee. LOL.
Editorial Intern
The Clientele – Suburban Light
“Suburban Light” dari The Clientele baru saja merayakan hari jadi ke 20, dan ini buat gua revisit berbagai katalog album dari band ini. Mendengarkan The Clientele di masa yang penuh ketidakpastian ini kembali membawa gua pribadi ke memori yang lebih tenang, seperti duduk di Transjakarta jam 7 malam arah kembali pulang dari kampus. Terutama lagu “As Night Is Falling”, yang dulu mungkin bisa gua ulang lebih dari 10 kali saat perjalan pulang ke rumah.
Social Media Intern
Mother Earth’s Plantasia (1976)
God only knows how much I put this album on repeat. Claimed to be composed for plants to aid their growing, this album has always been my go-to soundtrack whenever I feel like I need a fun yet calming background music for reading books, doing my work, or repotting my plants. It always brings a warm, fuzzy feeling inside me; something that I (and maybe all of us) always crave during these peculiar times. Not only good for me, it’s been told that the music is good for my plant babies.
My personal favorites are “Plantasia” and “Music to Soothe the Savage Snake Plant”. This album is best listened to in its chronological order.