Things We Like: Upcoming Games
Kumpulan game baru yang kami tunggu-tunggu.

Pada “Things We Like” kali ini, kami meng-highlight ragam aktivitas favorit semasa berdiam di rumah. Dengan kabar kemunculan game console seri baru, hadir pula deretan judul video game yang akan dirilis dalam waktu dekat. Oleh karena itu, kami mengumpulkan beberapa game yang kami tunggu-tunggu. Dari “Stray”, “Spider-Man: Miles Morales”, “The Pathless” hingga “Cyberpunk 2077”, berikut adalah pilihan kami.
Managing Editor
Yang noob pasti akan nyebut Cyberpunk (sorry Mardhi), tapi yang true game snob akan nulis game obscure, seperti Stray ini. Sering banget kalo kita lihat kucing kita mikir, “Enak ya jadi kucing, bisa goler-goler santai”, game ini menjawab angan-angan tersebut. Bersetting masa depan di mana manusia punah dan yang tinggal adalah kucing dan robot, kita akan menjelajahi dunia dari perspektif si meng. Membawa konsep cyberpunk ke level berikutnya. Screw Miles Morales, Meng is the hero that we all need.
Editorial Staff
Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Karena pasti ada yang udah ngebahas soal Cyberpunk (@Mardhi), jadi gue pilih game Spider-Man terbaru yang bakal rilis bulan depan. Sejujurnya gue baru banget tamat game pendahulunya, yang gak disangka ternyata seru banget. Gameplay mechanics cakep, terus storyline-nya juga dikemas dengan sangat apik.
Makanya gak sabar banget buat mainin game ini, apalagi setelah ngeliat build-up karakter Miles Morales di game pertama. Penasaran juga perbedaan karakter Miles dan Peter kalau in-combat bakal seperti apa. Can’t wait to play the new spidey in town!
Heart Attack
The Pathless
Dubbed as the open-game adventure puzzle game without loading, The Pathless offers something different for PS5. You’ve got less enemies, more on puzzle-solving and free-roaming sensibilities with no map. Also in this case, arrows & eagle buddy mean you could aim & fly at the same time, like how sick is that?! Definitely no brainer, straight up gem.
Graphic Design
Albatross Soup
IT’S HERE BABY! November 19th, save the date, tell your loved ones goodbye, shut the door, get some snacks, because you’re in for a good night. Cyberpunk is created from CD Projekt Red. The same developer that created Witcher 3, Arguably the best video game in the entire history. CD Projekt Red is the only developer I know (besides naughty dog) that releases games when it is ready, not because of economic decisions. And, oh boy. Cyberpunk is looking really delicious from all the teasers. 7 years in the making, with great leap from their previous title. The day that cyberpunk got released, the gaming industry will never be the same again (Ii think that’s taking it too far lmao) But, so excited!!
P.S they give great freebies on their website (artbook, posters, wallpapers, etc) do check it out!!!