Things We Like: Modern Day Heroes
Kami berbagi sosok-sosok yang berkesan bagai pahlawan di hidup kami.
Words by Whiteboard Journal
Kata “Pahlawan” kerap diasosiasikan dengan perjuangan masa lalu dan tokoh-tokoh yang membuat negeri ini berdiri satu. Namun, tidak jarang juga kita menemukan sosok-sosok yang menginspirasi dan berkontribusi bagi diri kita secara pribadi maupun lingkungan kita secara menyeluruh. Maka, dalam rangka menyambut hari Pahlawan di tanggal 10 November kelak, kami berbagi sosok-sosok yang berkesan bagai pahlawan di hidup kami.
Editorial Staff
Melati Wijsen
It’s safe to say that I’m completely mesmerized by Melati when I interviewed her a couple of months ago (check the interview here). Growing up, I always wanted to make a difference. However, everyone kept on saying that I can only make a change once I graduated college or when I finally became an adult. The reason is simple: kids can’t do much.
Melati completely proved them wrong. Together with her sister, she made programs that actually moved the entire globe to make a difference. Not only that, she’s now on a bigger journey to inspire other youth to make the same type of changes. She believes in the power of youth and the fundamental changes they’re going to make.
I’m 23 this year. I’m becoming more and more of an adult.
People might think I’ll get discouraged. They thought I’ll consider myself a failure because I didn’t do anything for society back in my days as Melati did.
However, seeing her and the passion she gives for the sake of change, made me realize that it’s never about age. It’s about the willingness to actually do something and push through until it actually happens.
Caroline Marta
Graphic Designer
Dieter Rams
As a creative, I can name a few of the design heroes that truly gave me a huge impact throughout my journey as a designer. On the top list, my first design hero of all time is Dieter Rams, the GOAT in the design industry.
If you’re not familiar, Rams is the designer and architect who coined the phrase “less, but better” and who led the company, Braun, to design some of the most timeless and beautiful products ever created from the 1960s through the 1990s.
I got goosebumps while I was watching the “Rams” documentary by Gary Hustwit back in 2018. Every single scene, by design, was very well-crafted and beautifully captured. This documentary is intimate and personal. It reveals a playful side of the designer that most people never see, and that many assume don’t exist given his famously sober aesthetic. But Rams goes beyond mere character study, it’s also a film with an agenda.
I was very impressed by his adventure. It inspires me, elevates me emotionally, and encourages me to transform my life for the better, and somewhat it’s surprising. I believe that to be a good designer we have to believe in ourselves. So much respect from me for Rams who is 89-years old now and still improves his design to this day. Thanks to Rams, now I’ve built my self-confidence and am ready to challenge myself even more.
Even in your 50s, 60s, even 80s, you are still able to make a significant mark in the industry and be a blessing for others. Don’t limit yourself guys!
“Less but better is not just a design concept – it’s also about our behavior.”
Editorial Intern
Ojek Online
I quite literally cannot remember my life before ojek online. Inget ga sih seribet apa dulu kalau mau kirim-kirim barang? Harus anter sendiri, kalo nggak JNE, itu juga gak bisa langsung sampai kan. Mau beli makan juga harus yang ada delivery service-nya, itu juga first come first serve alias suka lama datangnya. Kebayang nggak zaman pandemi gini kalo ga ada ojek online, gimana coba beli makanan kalau lagi isoman? Atau sebatas mau kirim care package untuk teman yang lagi sakit? Through rain or shine, these folks are modern-day heroes.
Editorial Intern
Kurir Paket
Beside ojek online, I think we also need to appreciate courier workers morre. Di tengah pandemi, gak bisa dipungkiri kita jadi banyak belanja secara online, mau itu buat kebutuhan makanan, baju, makeup, buku, dan yang lainnya. Ditambah di pandemi makin banyak orang yang berjualan dan bermunculan online shop dimana-mana. Apalagi kalau ada hari-hari spesial tertentu dimana online shop tersebut nyediain sebuah promo dan pesanan selalu membludak. Gak kebayang kurir paket yang harus nganterin pesanan sebanyak itu yang jumlahnya bisa mencapai ratusan, bahkan ribuan. Belum lagi mereka harus ngejaga keamanan dan keutuhan barang, apalagi kalau ada customer yang gak sabar paketnya dateng (kayak gue hehe). Dengan motor dan tas besar di sisi kanan dan kiri motor untuk nampung paket pesanan orang-orang, they truly are the heroes yang selalu kita tunggu-tunggu dengan kata-kata favorit kita semua yaitu “pakeeet”<3
Social Media Intern
“Voucher diskon makanan!”
Diluar dari ojek online, kurir paket yang sekarang selalu jadi everyday heroes kita, gue ngerasa JBisa makan kenyang dan enak under 25k setiap hari nya itu something that i can grateful for. Tambah lagi, level of satisfied setelah apply discount voucher dan ngeliat potongan harga nya yang yummm, bener-bener bikin hidup anak kosan jadi sejahtera.
Social Media Intern
Jesse Kanda
Jesse Kanda merupakan seorang seniman keturunan Jepang yang berasal dari Kanada, salah satu seniman yang punya impact yang besar dalam hidup gue. Dalam pembuatan karyanya, Jesse kerap menggunakan visual yang memiliki aestethic yang dapat dibilang creepy, “Part of my goal is to present ‘disgusting’ things as something beautiful” ujar Jesse dalam salah satu interview. Keberanian ini membuat Jesse cocok dalam kolaborasi dengan seniman lainnya seperti Arca, FKA twigs dan bahkan Björk. Menurut gue Jesse ini keren banget sih, gue seneng banget on how his works always bring emotions mixed with grotesque and childlike memories, dan bisa ngebawa gue ke ‘uncanny valley’. Kenapa gue bisa bilang Jesse Kanda salah satu ‘hero’ gue? gue selalu inget dalam salah satu video yang dirilis channel youtube Arca (sekarang udah di delete), si Jesse ngomong “What a beautiful mistake”, entah kenapa kata-kata itu bener-bener resonates with me. That words actually changes me on how i look things, to see failure as something beautiful. Gue jadi gak takut untuk gagal, dan melihat kegagalan sebagai sesuatu yang indah. Random banget sih cuman ini beneran berdampak banget untuk gue 🙂