Girlboss dan Hustle Culture Sebagai Bentuk Pemberontakan Kalangan Gen Z
Telah diargumenkan bahwa hustle culture adalah cara Gen Z memberontak terhadap situasi ekonomi yang diberikan kepada mereka.

Teks: Nancy Rumagit
Foto: The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

“Some Gen Zers might argue that ‘girlbossing’ is a cheugy, Millennial thing, but conversely, it seems as though girlboss culture is flourishing among some young people,” ujar Dazed.
Young people, atau lebih tepatnya, para Gen Z, kini akan menghadapi tingkat pengangguran tertinggi. Kimberley Howard, seorang culture and trends researcher, berkata, “Gen Z are just starting their careers so will be on lower wages. Many young people today are also choosing to study at university before beginning their career – therefore they’re in jobs older, but on less money. With this low income, of course it’s understandable the idea of starting your own business appeals to Gen Z.”
Sebuah poll dari SME network Mushroombiz menginformasikan bahwa 32 persen dari orang berumur 18-24 di UK berencana untuk membangun bisnis mereka sendiri. Dari poll ini, pilihan para Gen Z untuk kembali masuk ke dalam hustle culture pun tidak mengejutkan.
Gen Z pun tengah besar di bawah iklim politik yang sangat mendukung hustle culture, namun Kimberley Howard menambahkan bahwa hustle culture adalah sebuah cara mereka memberontak terhadap situasi ekonomi yang diberikan kepada mereka. “While Gen X took drugs and drank to escape their present, Gen Z are drinking less, and are creating business alternatives to progress society. Both are rebelling, but arguably Gen Z are providing the solutions.”