Things We Like: Streaming Services
Kumpulan film dan/atau series yang bisa dinikmati melalui penyedia layanan streaming.
Words by Whiteboard Journal
Penyedia layanan streaming sudah mulai beragam. Mereka berlomba-lomba menarik perhatian para pengguna dengan konten original maupun keragaman katalog konten yang ditawarkan. Berikut kami kumpulkan film dan/atau seri yang tim kami nikmati melalui penyedia layanan streaming.
Managing Editor
Bill Hader is a freakin genius. Ok, I might be a bit late to tell you this. But, it is what it is. Gw ngebayangin doi pitch ide series ini ke Netflix dengan premis seperti ini, “Imagine combining Breaking Bad with The Kominsky Method. You will get Barry. A crime series for miserable people.” Jujur baru kelar nonton season 1 dan mau nyambung ke season 2, tapi sudah soldddd banget sih sama ini.
Editorial Staff
Hospital Playlist
Comfort series.
Sebuah seri yang pintar membuat jatuh hati dengan segala kehangatan yang ditawarkan. Persahabatan, keluarga, cinta, dan segala hal yang membuatmu yakin bahwa dunia itu baik-baik saja.
Setiap kali hari terasa buruk, kadang nonton satu episode random dari seri ini. Ketawa bisa lepas, nangis bisa sejadi-jadinya, dan ujung-ujungnya merenungi pesan-pesan yang diajarkan. Wah benar-benar a bundle of positive energy deh, this one tuh huhu.
“Ikutilah kata hatimu, maka kamu tak akan menyesal” – Lee Ik-joon
Watch Hospital Playlist on Netflix.
Graphic Designer
Apa yang terjadi kalau kita bisa memisahkan kehidupan kerja dan kehidupan personal? Di film ini, kita bisa menyaksikannya. Kita mengikuti cerita Mark Scout, seorang karyawan yang hidup dengan 2 memori. Memori saat dia bekerja, dan memori personal dia. Ketika dia bekerja dia menjadi orang yang berbeda. Tanpa memori, tanpa kenangan apapun, dan tidak bisa mengetahui diri dia sebenarnya siapa.
Definitely one of the best series i’ve watched in years. Psychologically thrilling, chock full of mystery and Intrigues you to question the reality itself.
+ People find brutalist architecture suffocating, but I find it very refreshing and pleasant to see such design. It reminds me of how little I would imagine how an office should look like.
Watch Severance on Apple TV.
Editorial Intern
Providing a different approach to streaming services, with exquisite curations ranging from Kieslowski’s impeccable works until the eternal classics of Wong Kar Wai’s oeuvres, MUBI delivers hand-picked films, from the cult, experimental, classic noir, to the award-winning movies, for every 30 days each.
MUBI’s approach is antithetical to that of Netflix or Prime Video which feature as much content as possible to create a sometimes overwhelming impression of abundance and choice. MUBI’s team scours film festivals and international cinema communities to lovingly curate its catalog, which primarily comprises documentaries and indie and art-house films from all over the world.
With lists from Cannes Takeover that highlights the past masterpieces that’ve made it to the festival, along with countless of world cinemas from most countries in the world, MUBI brings us down a rabbit hole on abundance of notable works that are usually there is a particular focus on emerging filmmakers, unusual film festival entries and experimental movies.