Pada “Things We Like” kali ini, kami kembali meng-highlight salah satu aktivitas favorit semasa work from home, yaitu binge-watching TV series. Oleh karena itu, kami mengumpulkan sederet tontonan yang menjadi pilihan tim Whiteboard Journal. Dari serial adaptasi dari cerita Stephen King, drama Korea “Hospital Playlist”, TV adaptation dari buku best seller “Normal People” hingga cerita romansa modern “Easy”, berikut adalah beberapa pilihan kami.
Managing Editor
Sedang rewatching series “Easy” di Netflix dan merasa bahwa banyak bahasannya semakin relevan. Salut pada Joe Swanberg, salah satu nama besar di genre mumblecore, yang dengan tajam merespon fenomena terkini dan menjadikannya bahan untuk cerita series yang tak hanya mengajak kita untuk menertawakan kehidupan modern, tapi juga mempertanyakan sikap kita terhadap isu-isu terkini seperti online dating, hingga open marriage. Pengalaman nonton ini seperti sedang baca novel grafis bikinan Daniel Clowes atau Adrian Tomine. Semoga suatu saat bisa bikin karya semacam ini.
Lifestyle Editor
Normal People
Alkisah gue dulu punya keinginan mau solo traveling ke Irlandia, tapi belum kesampean sampai sekarang. Kebetulan awal-awal pandemi kemarin serial ini sempet heboh dibahas media-media UK, kebetulan lagi ternyata setting dari serial ini di Irlandia. Karena rasa penasaran akhirnya gue nonton serial ini dan bahkan super niat sebelumnya beli bukunya dulu (yes, it’s based on a book with the same title). Dan, ternyata gue suka banget sama serial ini! Nontonnya sampe gue irit-irit biar gak cepet habis haha.
The story itself may sounds a bit cliche. Serial ini berkisah tentang hubungan Marianne & Connell, dua yang berasal dari kota kecil yang sama tapi dengan latar belakang kelas yang berbeda, mulai dari mereka SMA sampai kuliah di Trinity College Dublin. Tapi, konflik yang dialami mereka berdua sangat real (and somewhat relatable) membuat serial ini jadi seru. The series also talks about mental health and class, which makes it more interesting!
Editorial Staff
Karena “Killing Eve” udah kelar, lumayan bingung mau nonton apa. Jadi salah satu cara gw ngubek My List di Netflix dan akhirnya nonton “Cuckoo”. Ringan gitu aja sih. British.
Editorial Staff
Castle Rock Season 2
Honestly, this counts as my second time trying to watch it. First time I tried, it didn’t piqued me that much. However, as I tried watching a few episodes in, I was so hooked that I finished the first season in a day. It’s a slow burner for sure, and it needs full attention in order for me not to miss the small details (and Stephen King easter eggs!!!)
Anyway, I’m a few episodes into season 2 and I like it better than the first since it has more blood in it and way more psychotic than the first one. Also Lizzy Caplan is amazing.
Editorial Staff
Conan Without Borders
Cocok buat yang exhausted baca berita setiap hari. With the reckoning of my only source of joy, BA, it’s time we move on to other shows. Started watching Conan. It’s funny. Watch it.
Heart Attack
Peep Show
Peep Show on Netflix? Hell yeah why not. Undoubtedly, one of the best series to ever emerge from the UK, its use of voice of thoughts and actual “peep show” visual approach are crucial to tell a story from the daily perspective of Mark Corrigan & Jeremy Usborne. The show itself is so raw, absurd, crude & filled with joy of being cynical. It’s a farce fest! Rejoice!
Art Director
Hospital Playlist
<3 <3 <3 I’ve been raving about this TV show for months and I will continue to evangelize! “Hospital Playlist” is about a group of surgeons in a prominent Seoul hospital. They’ve also been friends since college, and happen to play in a band together! Bonus: the characters are grown-ups so no more cheesy pretty boys here!
Brought to you by Shin PD (wow akrab) aka the man who made the “Reply” series, “Hospital Playlist” is unlike most K-dramas, and the story isn’t driven by the plight of a tough protagonist fighting for the dream against the evil villain (looking at you, Itaewon Class). Instead, Playlist unfolds like the days in most high-tension workplaces, where the friendships you build carry you through the ups and downs and near-impossibles. You know, gak beda jauh lah sama di kantor kita :p Bedanya kantor kita gak berhubungan dengan hidup dan mati manusia HAHA.
P.S: Agak berharap gue bisa amnesia sedikit, supaya gue bisa nonton ulang fresh lagi
Graphic Design
Silicon Valley
I just got the chance to continue watching this series, even though their season finale was up last year (I somehow forgot about it lol). The story is basically about a tech startup company trying to making it in Silicon Valley. To be honest, this show is a bit geeky, because they’re talking about tech and coding and stuff, but i loveee it. This show really portrays how people in Silicon Valley typically look like (i.e. they would wear a shirt with a Patagonia windbreaker/vest over it, and how these people would end up buying a Tesla car). Alsooo, the casts are a bunch of mix-bag *weird* personalities. And my favorite one is Jared Dunn, the business dev guy. He’s a really, really weird guy. On a scale of 1-10 of how weird Jared is, he’s like an 8 or 9. Love love this showw.
Graphic Design
That 70’s Show
I’ve been keeping it light lately in regards to what i consume. Honestly, so much serious sh*t is happening in the real world, that my fragile-fragile heart can’t take anymore tension/drama in any other form, might it be scripted or just plain fake. “That 70’s Show” has been my favorite sitcom from a long time, that coming back to it just feels securing to me. It’s light, it’s hella funny, the cast rocks a LOT of flared pants, plus it’s on Netflix, so it’s easy access.
Marketing & Partnerships
The Outsider
Tadinya mau nulis tentang ‘Silicon Valley’ karena gue baru mulai nonton waktu idul fitri dan ternyata bagus banget, tapi keduluan Tiana jadi mari kita move on ke the next best thing, yaitu, “The Outsider”.
Mini seri adaptasi dari novel Stephen King ini sebetulnya bukan tipe TV series yang biasa gue suka (very dark tone, supernatural stuff, etc), tapi ternyata pas coba mulai dari episode 1 malah langsung hooked karena case-nya yang intriguing dan alur ceritanya bener-bener ga bisa ditebak. Although it’s not crazy scary, but more unexpectedly suspenseful with great acting and directing, and also solid character development. Respect banget sama Jason Bateman, TBH. All in all, I would highly recommend this excellent series.
Bamboo Twist
Castle Rock (Netflix)
“Castle Rock” is a 2-season TV series, originally on Hulu (I think). It’s on Netflix recently. Based on Stephen King’s fictional town, Castle Rock, where he based a lot of his stories. First season was based in Shawshank prison with Bill Skarsgard as the mysterious man. Every inhabitant has a story and secret. It’s very Stephen King’s way of storytelling with plenty of interesting characters whose lives are intertwined somewhat in this sleepy little town. There are lots of easter eggs from Stephen King’s universe as well. See if you can spot the show’s nods to various SK’s films. A slow-burn psych thriller that’s kinda like fishing or bird-watching, requires patience but rewarding in the end.