Things We Like: LGBTQ+ Movies
Kumpulan film-film LGBTQ+ pilihan kami.

Bulan Juni merupakan perayaan Pride Month yang ke-51, bulan yang didedikasikan untuk mendukung komunitas LGBTQ+. Representasi LGBTQ+ di perfilman global telah berkembang pesat, hingga menjadi bagian dari budaya arus utama. Oleh karena itu, untuk merayakan Pride Month, kami mengumpulkan sederet film LGBTQ+ pilihan.
Managing Editor
Realita, Cinta dan Rock ‘n Roll
Di antara rambut mullet Junot, badan topless Vino, dan celana boxer warna-warni itu, kita sering lupa kalau ada tokoh Barry Prima yang bermain sebagai trans di film ini. Saat film ini keluar, ada premis menarik yang diangkat, sosok Barry Prima yang identik dengan peran maskulin, tiba-tiba diperkenalkan sebagai seorang trans. Dan, ketika nonton lagi, secara plot, kita juga diajak untuk bertanya pada diri sendiri tentang sikap kita terhadap teman-teman LGBTQ+. Walau memang kalau dilihat sekarang, film ini mungkin kurang politically correct, karena sosok trans diperankan oleh non trans, seperti film-film lokal lain yang bercerita tentang kultur ini – Lovely Man, dan Arisan! adalah beberapa judul yang mengangkat tema ini dengan pemeran yang bukan dari kultur LGBTQ+.
Editorial Staff
Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara – that’s it.
But honestly, oh my, this film! Carol is a voyeuristic film about love and longing. It is a rare film that escapes the male gaze – while being directed by none other than Todd Haynes himself. Carol is about a love affair between two women, Carol (Cate Blanchett) and These (Rooney Mara) set in New York City during the early 1950s.
What makes this film special is how it is saying a lot without actually saying not much at all. Most of the dialogues were told through movements between the two characters, where there is desire in every touch and look.
Also, Haynes was inspired by the works of Saul Leiter when creating the visuals for Carol – full of intimate observations in subdued colour. Obviously another plus point.
Editorial Staff
Regardless if you are in the LGBTQ+ community or not, this is a very touching short film. An intimate story told in an intimate setting without feeling overly evasive. A testament on love, loss and coming to terms with who you are.
“You’re never too old to be yourself” gondrong Dylan Sprouse in a dress can’t speak truer words.
Bamboo Twist
Ma Vie En Rose
This film! This film got me in the feels! Ludovic is a young kid who identifies as a girl but receives hard time from the family and the society. In turn, the boy creates an alternate reality in which he is free to be who he longs for, a girl. The child’s innocence can be seen slowly being crushed by adults’ expectations.