Video Installation Exhibition Krisna Murti’s Art After Drama


Video Installation Exhibition Krisna Murti’s Art After Drama

by Dwiputri Pertiwi


The events in our lives are no different than drama. We are the actors, the people around us are spectators, and we use language to make statements about those events. As an actor, we play many roles: interacting with other people, creating personal stories, showing something—giving meaning to our lives. And it is this idea that lies behind Krisna Murti’s exhibitionArt After Drama, as excerpts of life’s drama.

Yet, Krisna’s art transcends drama itself. His videos do not offer sequential stories as understood in classical drama. He provides us with a fragmented collection of bodily gestures, presented by performers, as though defying the laws of space and time; in addition to discourses on the problems of representation and imitation, the real and virtual, within art. For this exhibition, Krisna has worked together with a number of artists who play different roles.whiteboardjournal, logo