Translating Comics: The Translators Speak


Translating Comics: The Translators Speak

by Febrina Anindita


Featuring: Canan Marasligil, J. Casey Hammond, Mari Morimoto, Maria Antonia Rahartati Bambang Haryo
Moderated by: Lim Cheng Tju

Date: 23 Sep, 2017
Time: 12.15pm – 1.30pm
Venue: Play Den, The Arts House
Tickets: $10; $8 (students and senior citizens); $38 Forum Pass | Get your tickets here

Translation is never neutral. It is culturally laden, and domestication of the original work takes place whenever translation happens. This panel brings together a group of comic translators, who work in different languages and cultures, to share their experiences of how they started translating the sequential arts, how they tackle the tension between words and images, and the cross-cultural minefields they tread.whiteboardjournal, logo