Jatiwangi art Factory (JaF) is a nonprofit organization that focuses on discourses of local rural life through public diplomacy, arts and cultural activities such as festivals, performances, visual art, music, video, ceramics, exhibitions, artist in residencies, monthly discussion, radio broadcast and education.
JaF was founded on September 27, 2005. Since the year 2008 JaF in cooperation with the Jatisura Village Government do research using a collaborative engagement of contemporary art that connecting each other.
JaF has a bi-annual Residency Festival Program and annual film festival that invites artists from various disciplines and countries to live, interact, cooperate with the villagers, to feel life in Jatiwangi rural society, formulate and create something that presented to everyone
During Panenergi festival, the whole activities will be documented and compiled into a docudrama. Those activities are:
Mapping and revealing renewable energies
Presenting renewable energies in artistic form
Making public diplomacy in relating with energy independence
Creating series of intervention in public space
Creating inventors competition about renewable energies
Making a declaration of energy independence
Creating discussions with policy makers to make the energy independence real
+ August 07, 2014
– The opening of Panenergi at a historical site Kalijati, Subang
– Art and activism workshop
– Energy campaign trough public interventions
+ August 17, 2014
– Public diplomacy
– Formulate and plan the declaration
– The ceremony of Energy Independence Declaration together with Indonesian Independence Day on August 17, 2014 in Jatisura Village, Majalengka.
+ August 31, 2014
– Renewable Energy Scientific Invention Competition
– Formulate and plan the negotiation
– The Energy Independence Negotiation in Linggarjati, Kuningan.
– Panenergi docudrama screening