Ngobrolin Ide Vol. 6: Art & Social Issues


Ngobrolin Ide Vol. 6: Art & Social Issues

by Athina Ibrahim


Ngobrolin Ide / Discussing Ideas (Ngode) is a public forum to discuss various social issues of the nation held by Sinergi Muda, now collaborating with two Indonesian artists who have been promoting social issues through their arts. How close is an artists with their arts towards happening social issues? Can social issues able to be the social critic of the public or only to the artists’ subjectivity themselves? Can those without ‘soul for art’ able to express their thoughts about social issues through arts? All will be answered in Ngobrolin Ide Volume 6: Art and Social Issues.

This time, our speakers are Kartika Jahja (musician, social activist) and Popoh (mural artist). Hopefully, through this discussion, young people will be able to start a good change for Indonesia through their interests in art.


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Twitter Ngobrolin Ide: @NgobrolinIde

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