Islam and Marxism in Indonesia


Islam and Marxism in Indonesia

by wjournal


While many of us deem that Islam rejects the idea of Marxism, if we look at it in retrospect, we will find that many of our Islamic top leaders were very close with Marxism. This discussion tries to analyze the relationship between both ideologies and answers common questions such as ‘Is it true that Islam rejects Marxism?’ ‘How is the synergy between both of them?’ ‘Is this merely because the 1965 tragedy that sacrificed PKI and other Marxism followers?’

This event will feature two famous speakers Bonnie Triyana and M. Dawam Rahardjo. Bonnie Triyana is the editor in chief of Historia Magazie and M. Dawam Rahardjo is the dean of University of Proclamation 45, Yogyakarta and the editor in chief of Ulumul Qur’an Journal.whiteboardjournal, logo