Book Discussion: Slamet Rahardjo Djarot by Sapardi Djoko Damono


Book Discussion: Slamet Rahardjo Djarot by Sapardi Djoko Damono

by Dwiputri Pertiwi


Slamet Rahardjo Djarot is an important figure in Indonesia’s art scene. He went to Akademi Teater Nasional Indonesia (ATNI) and co-founded “Teater Populer,” an organization that has contributed some of the most well-known individuals to the world of theater, film, and television. This book is a long essay that tries to see and elaborate the relationships between theater, film, and television and the activities of Slamet within those fields for more than 40 years. Sapardi Djoko Damono explains all of this in an analytical writing.whiteboardjournal, logo