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Online, In Real Life

In her final essay, Yanti Sastrawan describes how analog activities are the roots of their digital counterparts, as well as the changes in the approach and interaction towards these activities when translated through today's technology.


Being There Without Having to be There

In the fifth part of her Column series, Yanti Sastrawan discusses social media as our means of communication, as well as the concept of ambient co-presence. As the digital communication allows us to always be aware of each other's presence, she explains how we can be there without being there.


Contextualising Emoticons

The use of emoticons has become commonplace in our everyday online conversation, and in the fourth part of her series Yanti Sastrawan describes how we use these images, how we interpret them, as well as the context in which we view them.


Online and Being Alone

In her latest essay, Yanti Sastrawan talks about social media and its ability to connect as well as alienate people. She describes the idea of loneliness, solitude, intimacy and how social media affects the way we view individuals. Take a look.


Digital Detox

In the second part of her 6 part essay on our relationship with the digital world, Yanti Sastrawan talks about digital detox and the benefits of real life interactions.


Self-Portrayal to Illusionary Persona

On her first Column entry, Yanti Sastrawan talks about how the internet alters communication in real life. With options provided in the online world, self-representation are often made to be a new form of persona that detached from the reality. This first episode of the "Online in Real Life" series seeks for a new concept of identity in the digital nature.

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