During Joyland Festival Bali 2024, we conversed with the Taiwanese psychedelic band of brothers, Mong Tong, on their creative direction around Occultism, the Taiwan music scene, and their mysterious third member.
We spoke with one of Joyland Festival Bali 2024's legendary DJ performers, Gilles Peterson, on how the world of music and festivals are shifting through his eyes as *the* decorated radio personality and DJ.
Dalam submisi Open Column ini, Eka Annash, yang kini bergabung menjadi anggota Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan (KontraS), mengungkapkan kekhawatirannya tentang kekerasan yang terus direproduksi negara.
We talked with Malaysian queer singer-songwriter, Alextbh, about his life under the social media radar, his comeback, and his shift towards pop music with "It's All Good."
We had a lively conversation on Kamaal William's musicianship, and the things he celebrated in life as a Asian-British mualaf, a person with the birth name of Henry Wu.