F.Y.I Episode 005: Orbit Gear & Localbrandcom on The Abuse of #LocalPride
Yostria from Orbit Gear and Axel from Localbrandcom share their insights on our current industry’s dependancy on the #LocalPride movement.

The start of #LocalPride movement served as a turning point in our local fashion scene. Not only did it inspire the rise of local brands, it sparked a sense of pride and nationalism in the way people perceive Indonesian made goods. In this episode of FYI, Bhisma is joined by Yostria of Orbit Gear and Axel of Localbrandcom. Exploring how this movement has changed over the years, Bhisma, Yostria and Axel examines if the #LocalPride stamp has been abused and overused.
A podcast where professionals share their insights of current and upcoming trends in the creative industry. Whether you are an entrepreneur or someone who’s interested in the inner workings of the business, this is the place to gain knowledge through personal experiences, as told by the experts.
Tune in to hear Yostria and Axel’s take on the impact of #LocalPride on our current fashion climate on whiteboardjournal.com