Pandora’s A Tribute To Great Gatsby Party


Pandora’s A Tribute To Great Gatsby Party

by Ken Jenie


A Tribute to The Great Gatsby Party

“I like large parties. They’re so intimate.” – F.Scott Fitzgerald

Strictly Costume Party

Saturday 22 June 2013
7 pm till finish

Prohibition is in full swing and we’re expecting lots of champagne…

Join this event for an evening soiree of Potato Head Garage’s tribute party to the Great Gatsby on Saturday, June 22nd to explore  the most glamorous eras in the 20th century. Expect a full night of glorious temptations with an array of theatrical acts; starting from a dazzling big band performance by Magenta Orchestra, confetti celebration and a continued list of grand celebrations.

A list of established Indonesian fashion cognoscenti will pay tribute to a fashion styling for The Great Gatsby from Ghea Panggabean, Priyo Oktaviano, Sapto Djojokartiko, Didiet Maulana, Windy Chandra, Barli Asmara, Mel Ahyar, and Ardistia Dwiasri.

Showcasing photographs of our Designer’ Creations by Nicoline Patricia Malina and Stanley Allan.

Dress code: Roaring 20s

RSVP 021 5797 3330
FDC Applies

For table bookings contact:
Shareefa Daanish
+62 87 825648040



Supported by:
Harper’s Bazaar, Le Mariage, Boga Wine, CIMB, PPF Photography, NPM Photography.

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