Movie Review: Something From Nothing – The Art of Rap


Movie Review: Something From Nothing – The Art of Rap

by Ken Jenie


The story of hiphop is one that will always intrigue me no matter how many time it is told. This relatively new musical genre has empowered the community it was born out of and has made itself a global culture. An aspect of hiphop that has become its most popular is the MC, and as a man who loves the artform Ice T has made it his mission to discover the many different perspective in hiphop. As you can probably tell from the image above, Ice T has many notable guests ranging from the architects, innovators, to the current torch-bearers.

Now, the story of hiphop has been told many times and any fan of the genre will probably have a general idea of its origin. What makes Something From nothing – The Art of Rap so special is due to the plethora of guests, the film manages to show that hiphop music is filled with a wide-range of opinions and perspectives. We see how Nas considers rebellious because it goes against what is considered “proper”, how Rakim and Chuck D are very methodical in writing rhymes, or how spiritual the music seems to be for Doug E. Fresh. Other than the guests the film’s structure is what to be expected (how it began, why hiphop is important, where it is going) and Ice T makes for a gracious host.