Things We Like: Music On Heavy Rotation
Kumpulan musik yang sering kami dengarkan akhir-akhir ini.
Pada “Things We Like” kali ini, kami meng-highlight ragam aktivitas favorit semasa berdiam di rumah. Dengan perilisan musik baru yang hampir ada setiap minggunya, serta akses terhadap musik yang semakin tidak terbatas, kita tentunya tidak pernah kehabisan materi untuk didengarkan. Oleh karena itu, kami mengumpulkan sederet musik yang sedang didengarkan on repeat. Dari rilisan dari Rara Sekar, Oneohtrix Point Never, Arca, hingga album klasik dari Buena Vista Social Club berikut adalah beberapa pilihan kami.
Managing Editor
Hara – Ati Bolong
Kita tahu bahwa selain vaksin, ada beberapa hal yang bisa membuat tahun 2020 ini menjadi lebih baik: omnibus law dianulir, teman-teman kita yang kehilangan pekerjaan dapat bekerja kembali, atau Banda Neira reuni. Untungnya, ada satu yang datang tiba-tiba dan bisa menemani kita untuk menunggu hal-hal baik tadi terwujud. Namanya adalah “Hara”, proyek solo dari Rara Sekar, salah satu penulis lagu dan penyanyi terbaik yang kita punya.
Kita tahu, Rara bisa saja bikin lagu akustikan dengan gitar saja dan dia akan memukau kita semua. Kita juga tahu, Rara pula bisa menulis lebih baik daripada penulis buku-buku best-seller di Gramedia. Tapi alih-alih mengambil jalan mudah tersebut, Rara mengambil jalan menanjak. Dia memilih untuk menyanyi dalam Bahasa Jawa, mengambil karya Ki Slamet Gundono dan menggubahnya dalam musik yang meruang dan bising di akhir. Rara bisa saja terjun di kolam typical singer-songwriter dengan gitar akustik dan lirik pseudo sastra dan akan menjadi juara di sana. Tapi alih-alih, dia menciptakan semesta sendiri, dan sulit bagi kita untuk tidak terhisap ke sana.
Jangan percaya list musik yang tidak mencantumkan lagu ini sebagai salah satu yang terbaik di 2020.
Editorial Staff
Arca – KiCK i
The album has Bjork, Rosalia, Shygirl and SOPHIE as its featuring artists. That’s it.
Editorial Staff
Franz Liszt – Consolations No.3
Have been desperately trying to reduce my screen time, so I’ve tried to be more active and do things that will hone my aRtIsT1c skills. I haven’t played the piano in a while before quarantine started cs too tired cs work lol, so I figured it would be a good time to start again. I decided to learn Liszt’s easiest (by his standards at least) composition, Consolations No.3.
I chose it bcs sounds simple and soothing and thought I’d finish it in a week, maybe 2 weeks tops… only to find out this bitch is polyrhythmic 😐 .Been listening to other (more talented people) play so I can have the sequences memorized for when I actually attempt it..
Heart Attack
Pearson Sound – Alien Mode
Setelah sempet ngobrol via ig live sama Gembi (Dead Rec) beberapa minggu lalu, termasuk ngomongin bass music dan UK sound, gw akhirnya ngulik lagi Hessle Audio; label rekaman influential yang digagas oleh Ben Thomson (Ben UFO), David Kennedy (Pearson Sound) dan Kevin McAuley (Pangaea). Dengan palette musical inspiration yang beragam mulai dari dubstep, jungle, techno, house hingga garage, Hessle Audio menjelma menjadi salah satu label legendaris dari UK lewat rilisan-rilisannya yang punya karakter unik, kuat dan tak lekang jaman. Simak bagaimana “Alien Mode” meramu unsur perkusif, manipulasi vokal dan ravey breakbeat menjadi sebuah track ghoib milik Pearson Sound ini.
So turn up the bass, crank up the volume level, get your drinks ready and dance to this UK’s bonafide contemporary classic through impactful collision!
Art Director
Whitney – Golden Days
This song makes me think about going on a road trip to Big Sur, pulling up by a lake, putting up a tent and unfolding a folding chair. Feel that early autumn breeze on your face. Maybe set up a fire when it gets dark. Crack open a beer (even though I hate beer, but it seems like an appropriate cliché). Grill a fish, dress it up with simple salsa verde. You know, I’ve never been to America, but this song takes me there.
Graphic Design
Svefn-g-englar – Sigur Rós
I just came across this track from a movie I watched a couple weeks ago and I can’t stop listening to thisss. It’s a ten minute of ethereal sound. Such a stellar piece of work.
Graphic Design
Ode to the Mets – The Strokes
Wasn’t a HUGE fan of theirs back in the day (with the exception of a few singles here and there) so I hesitated listening to their new album at first, and out of the blue, my youtube algorithm led me to their single ‘Ode to the Mets’. I kid you not, I listened to it almost 20x that day; I couldn’t even count how many more for the following weeks. It probably got sick of me, but I couldn’t get sick of it. I don’t want to be rash, but it definitely has that Queen-esque, a little bit psychedelic, vibe going on.
Graphic Design
Epic Mountain – Kurzgesagt
As an avid Kurzgesagt subscriber, I really like the background music they put on the video. It isn’t really noticeable but they amplify the video much more. The music is created by Epic Mountain, and lately I’ve been listening to it while working because 1 album is like 1 hour long and it’s good for a reminder to take a break after 1 album ends. The music is calming. But still got that zing to keep you on your toes up.
Graphic Design
Adhitia Sofyan – Forget Jakarta
Probably my all time favorite local artist. Love most of his songs, particularly Forget Jakarta. Back when I studied abroad, I’d get homesick and miss home, and it was just a nice song to listen to at that moment. No matter where we go, gotta remember where we came from right?
Marketing & Partnerships
Magic Oneohtrix Point Never – Oneohtrix Point Never
It’s no surprise that Daniel Lopatin will serve us something amazing through OPN’s latest album. Masih dengan aliran yang sama dengan album-album sebelumnya, Magic Oneohtrix Point Never menyajikan that sense of nostalgia, namun di album ini terasa lebih friendly dan comforting dibanding rilisan-rilisannya sebelumnya. Salah satu track favorit gue dari album ini adalah “Long Road Home”, the soothing chamber-meets-synth pop that is graced by Caroline Polachek’s ghostly vocals.
Bamboo Twist
Buena Vista Social Club
Got to know them through the documentary of the same name. Ibrahim Ferrer’s voice and story really struck a chord. Listened to the album again in 2020, still the same feeling. One of the greatest albums ever recorded, mapping out Cuban’s richness of musical landscape, from the pre-revolutionary time to the ‘80-s, from jazz, Latin, to African. The song “Chan Chan” and “Dos Gardenias” always gets me every time.