The Garden Collection by Emily Blincoe


The Garden Collection by Emily Blincoe

by wjournal


The Garden Collection is an eight-part photography series created by freelance photographer Emily Blincoe. This series was created by using a collection of plants within the same color range above a black surface. The color themes used for this collection are white, orange, pink, red, green, yellow, purple, and brown, where the subjects itself include a variety of plants such as flowers, leaves, and even vegetables. The plants are aligned in a symmetrical order, creating the shape of a rectangle.

The overall view of the piece syncs together nicely, making the colors of the plants pop above the black surface. The fact that the plants are well aligned, also make it a more beautiful scene. The position of plants combined with synchronization of colors give a sense of allure that keeps the audience interested.

What makes this piece unique is its playfulness with colors and shape. It not only utilizes the mix of colors, but also the size and orders of the plants. Each piece creates its own unique personality that differentiates it from one another, not only from its colors, but also from the way it’s positioned. We can see how the white differs from the purple, where white consists more of big flowers and the purple consists more of small pieces of flowers, or how brown is made of more elongated plants, while pink is made of more wide or round shaped plants.

Blincoe maintains a consistency in creating her garden, producing neat arrangements of plants constantly forming a rectangle. How this is done throughout the eight part series makes the whole piece come together nicely. A slight flaw in this piece would be the orange photograph, where it is slightly out of focus, but overall it worked out well.

This piece provides a unique concept for the audience and can be categorized as a sight for sore eyes. It is refreshing and cool and would place nicely for anyone that appreciates a good photograph.

Text by Cesilia Faustinawhiteboardjournal, logo